My name is Atomikkitten, but you can just call me Jaime. I am an alcoholic. I left my family 7 years ago after a legal dispute. My hobbies include drinking and ballroom dancing. OMG hamsters are sooo cute ♥ i have 3.. okay I have 12. My main goal in life is to have 22 children and get my own reality show….
Just kidding…or am I????
So, as the new Customer Service Rep for Bayshore Division, I have been asked to properly introduce myself to this illustrious kickball/bloging community...
Here goes… My Name is Jaime. No, not Jaime. Jaime. Like Jamie. But not. Are we good? Okay.
Before my current occupation, I used to be a girlie girl – Sorority…USF Sun Doll…Tampa Bay Storm Cheerleader. I now spend my non-WAKA time as a Captain in the Florida Army National Guard (AGR). I have been stationed in Honduras, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and some more places that you’d never read about in Budget Travel. I excelled in covert training in these war zones, partially due to my depth of knowledge regarding insurgencies. After all, I have led members of my old kickball teams to defect this season and start anew with my team! I have no regrets, as I maintained custody of the best flip-cuppers and karaoke singers.
I refuse to take kickball too seriously – I’ve seen far worse than a lopsided Seminoles/Toe Jammers win. One example…While stationed in Afghanistan (in an area known as “Mortaritaville”) my bunkmates and I were sound asleep when a round hit outside our tent and the airwave blew us all out of our cots. And you thought you had stress at work?
Now a days I am the rear-detachment (love that word) commander while my current unit is in Kuwait. I guess they figure I have been deployed enough for this one and let me stay back. So, no matter how bitchy you all may think you are being on these e-mails and blogs.. It is nothing to my day to day interactions with my Soldiers.. Believe it or not your interesting comments and issues are simple and welcome compared to my little workerbees and the headache they cause me on a day to day basis…….
OK… Enough about me.. Let’s talk about WAKA stuff… Just to be clear… I HAVE ABSOLUTLY NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THESE NEW CHANGES!!! Do you really think I want to pay more and not have my beer on the field?? Please!!! Do you really think I have that much power????
I will let you all know, that I will not be cooler checking, but just don’t be obvious!!!! If I do see it, cooler goes back in the parking lot…
Also… The parking money that we are no longer paying went directly to PAL. We cut them a check, so they do in fact still get their share. We took it out of our party budget, but I am positive we will not be hurting come party time. They also may start up their concession stand again if there is any interest. I for one really enjoy their chicken sandwiches.
I ordered the shirts for this season; however, if any of you ordered more than one shirt, you will only be getting one. Apparently WAKA has a glitch in their system. I believe you can now go online and order more, but not sure. I just wash mine every week?!?
For the Pre-season party, MLoop and another representative will be there to explain the changes etc.. Please feel free to bitch at them all you want, as I am sure they have all the right answers. The Army is keeping me from the pre-season party to go to St. Augustine for training... Fun fun…. But more e-mails on that stuff later…
Well.. That it is for now… looking forward the season actually starting!
Happy Kicking!
Hey.. This technically IS a Cooler.. And there are NO actual labels on it... Baseball cap can conceal the tap.. Just a thought....

Also… The parking money that we are no longer paying went directly to PAL. We cut them a check, so they do in fact still get their share. We took it out of our party budget, but I am positive we will not be hurting come party time. They also may start up their concession stand again if there is any interest. I for one really enjoy their chicken sandwiches.
I ordered the shirts for this season; however, if any of you ordered more than one shirt, you will only be getting one. Apparently WAKA has a glitch in their system. I believe you can now go online and order more, but not sure. I just wash mine every week?!?
For the Pre-season party, MLoop and another representative will be there to explain the changes etc.. Please feel free to bitch at them all you want, as I am sure they have all the right answers. The Army is keeping me from the pre-season party to go to St. Augustine for training... Fun fun…. But more e-mails on that stuff later…
Well.. That it is for now… looking forward the season actually starting!
Happy Kicking!
Hey.. This technically IS a Cooler.. And there are NO actual labels on it... Baseball cap can conceal the tap.. Just a thought....