2011 has been completely crazy so far... which is good since we're all going to die in December 2012 per the Mayan Calendar. But hopefully this week I'll have time to write a complete recap of the "WAKA Boycott Aftermath." Our story is far from finished, but we've had an astounding affect on the face of kickball in the Tampa Bay region.
GoKickball registration closed with 9 full teams and 3 groups. Two of these groups will be combined into the 10th team, and the remaining group (7 guys, 1 girl) will be placed throughout the league. While everyone wants to avoid "randoms" like the plague... there's not much GKB can do about it. I guess this group was going for ToeJammer Tournament Mode with their 88% guy ratio.
Anyway, the new league has 209 members... almost all of which came from last season's WAKA Bayshore Division. This means
55% of Bayshore's members gave WAKA the finger and bolted for GOKickball. What's not included in that stat is the number of players who went to Kickball Society or just retired.
In fact, it's easier to gauge our impact by listing who is
RETURNING to WAKA on Thursdays:
Balls N Dolls. Pick Me Up. I Need a Refill.
That's the list. And I haven't spoken to anyone who is going to miss them.
At the time of this writing, the old Bayshore Division has one other "team" which moved over from their summer Wednesday league (and does have a few
I'd Kick That members). That gives them 4 full teams and 12 groups. I wouldn't be surprised if WAKA relaxes their 18-player-minimum rule in order to get more teams. DPT will never really get an official count from WAKA since we've pissed everyone off who still associates with those idiots. However, we're going to try to get a DPT correspondent at WAKA's first week to obtain an accurate count per team. If you aren't playing kickball this season and want to go over there for 30 minutes to count people, send us an email at: donkeynoms@gmail.com. There will be some Yard of Ale beers in it for you as payment.
Regardless of how WAKA replaces us, we've still been a huge pain in their ass. At least for one season they've struggled to sell out and were forced to offer a $10 discount (which was supposed to be a limited time thing but is now permanent). We also proved it is very easy to set up a new league overnight and secure our own customized drink specials.
As mentioned before, DPT is not "in bed" with GOKickball. Our role is more like a
Labor Union, whose goal is to create options and hold our recreational leagues to higher customer service standards. I sincerely hope that GKB and Kickball Society continue to treat our friends with respect while providing a fun and cost-effective place to play. Ultimately, our experience is what we make of it. So have fun, don't be stupid and keep speaking your mind.
GOKickball Team List:
Bunt Chasers/Shake Weight (two groups being fused together; contains some Dollar Wells people)
Drunk Again and Looking to Score (team consisting of I'd Kick That and Shocker people)
Growlers (formerly Yeagabombs)
Homebase Heros (formerly WAKAshame)
Off Constantly
THEE Beer Nuts
Hey WAKA... Fuck You from New Orleans. Love, Chan & Nate. |