Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Picks - Week 8


Make them. Make us laugh. Pick an upset:

Jose and the No-Shows
Beer Nuts
Jacked Up
Pitches be Crazy

Coming Soon...

I sent a nice picture of Gorecki and Pita to Mike earlier in the week and I was afraid that friendly gesture might get me dropped from the HATE rankings, so...

Monday, October 29, 2012

End of Season Party - UPDATED

The venue has changed to Gaspar's Grotto.

Please see details below:

Location: Gaspar's Grotto
Date: Nov. 9th
Time: 7pm-10pm

Admission: Free for registered players and $10 for guests.
Free Beer! (while supplies last)
Flip Cup Tournament- 8 p.m.
Karaoke- 10 p.m.
DJ- All evening
Drink Specials- To be announced

Interesting to note that after we changed our venue, WAKA did the exact same thing. Why are they following us? Go away, Tyrus! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Newest GorecHate Rankings

UPDATED: Click on this post to view my game recap from last night. Wanna get you all's opinion on what I believe I found the biggest team of douche's ever assembled on one team...

Enjoy. Except for the anonymous shout box person who said I forget to post these and they're not funny. I welcome you to expose your identity as I'm sure you contribute this this blog soooo much.

Picks - Week 7

 Shits Closed

If Jess can make picks with commentary from another country... you can do so from your less interesting location.

Closes at 4pm on Thursday so Gorecki can't participate.

Upset Choices:
Jacked Up
Jose and the No-Shows

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Picks from Peru!

True I missed Mondays picks, Alison, but no way I would miss two in a row! My body might be on a different continent but my mind is always on Desoto Park! I am however, typing on a weird ass keyboard and I cant figure out how to make apostrophes and it says every word I type is typo BUT I can use upside down exclamation points and question marks so I think its a win win. ¡Lets commence the picks!

Supa v. Jacked Up
Im sure the Shockers routed JU last night but there is hope for them against Supa Random. I saw them play against OC and they looked turrible turrble (cue Charles Barkley).  If JU is an upset pick, Ill take it here.

Shockers v. Beer Nuts
A team who cares a shitload versus a team who shits...a careload? Yall know what I mean...With Faz hangin here with me in Peru, there is no hope for TBN . Who am I kidding, there is no hope regardless - Shockers continue their douchey dominance with a big win over the Ñuts (I just wanted to use that letter).

Ballics v. Ligers
This game could go either way as both teams have the ability to pull wins (or ties) out of their asses and completely shit the bed.  Speaking of ties - thats my pick.  Ill let Chandler decide who I get. 

Jammers v. Growlers
*Sigh* I wish I could say we roll to a W this Thursday, but I wish for a lot of being a millionaire or finding a cure for cancer. Or knowing Smootys real name. But we dont always get what we wish for.  Pour one jager bomb out for me, team!

PBC v. Moundpound
Jose and his crew suck ass...possibly more ass than PBC although thats hard to do. ¡The Pitches I once knew didnt take this losing shit! Snap out of it, PBC, and POUND THAT MOUND for yesterdays no show!

OC v. SoMB
OC lost to TBN? ¡Pathetic! Heres hoping they play like they did against Supa....OC FTW.

End of Season Party

Well... it looks like all the rainouts have not only put the season in a tight spot, but also the end-of-season party. In order to get it in before December, GKB has booked us at Wings Gone Wild on Friday, November 9th. Party starts at 7pm and if past history is accurate, we won't run out of beer before they kick us out.

Flip-cup will probably start around 8:30 so show up before then if you want to enter a team.

Power Rankings - Week 7

Fantasy Slut League

Monday, October 22, 2012


Just a reminder... if you decide to go to Stoney's tonight after the games, they are cash only.

Picks - Monday's Games


Next Monday's picks can go here. Write down more funny things. Closes at 4pm on Monday.

Pick at least one of the following upsets:

Beer Nuts
Pitches be Crazy
Jacked Up

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ligers call up Uncle Sam; maul Jacked Oops

Ligers rolled to an easy victory Thursday night in a lovely autumn Tampa evening.  The night started off perfect, I just finished cleaning my gun & writing my monthly encouragement letter to my congressional representative when I thought with such nice weather, I should ride my motorcycle in.  Being that the Ligers planned a patriotic theme night, I thought it’d be perfect if I took the POW MIA flag off of the Hog and geared up with two American flags. 
The extra flaggage paid off.  Ligers brought the O.  The D, not so much, but fortunately Junked Up forgot how to run bases and left like 3 runs meandering somewhere between 3rd & home.  Liger base running was a clear difference maker, we were so in command that at one point Chandler was moving sections of Jacked UP with him as he’d cruised safely from base to base.  Litman’s running somewhat compensated for that as he has found himself unable to perpetually squeeze out extra bases (pegged out twice at home).  Souder Kicked a home run, which has become routine practice for him this season.  One thing I happened to notice during the game, Jacked up Girls did not live up to the Reputation that DPT has given them throughout the past year.  Well at least not when put next to our Ligerettes: Ligers are rocking a line-up completely stacked with “1’s”, except for some chick on our team that thought it’d be a great idea to wear a wrestling singlet.  That seriously limped my half-chub.  It was neither sexy nor patriotic.  Every kickball week I look forward to seeing a bunch of drunk girls get all sexy looking and run around giggly at their athletic inabilities.  Not to see Litman flaunting Daisy dukes, and then this Hottie wearing leftover laundry of the Plant High school wrestling Squad.   Other than that, we capped off the evening singing “Proud to be an American”. 

Now go make your picks for this week.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Spartan Challenge

My running coach is putting on this race next weekend if anyone is interested. It is a 5K with some obstacles along the way. Not sure if there will be many kids there or not Justin but should be a good race.



Thursday's picks can go here. Write down funny things.

Pick at least one of the following upsets:

Beer Nuts
Sit on My Base
Jacked Up

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bill Murray Crashes a Kickball League

Maybe I should extend the invite.

"Nothing like a Sunday afternoon of kickball leaguin' in New York City. Especially when it's party-crashed by the coolest Bro in the world, Bill Murray. Story (hopefully) coming soon, but via College Humor writer Marina Cockenberg's account on Tumblr: "My friend just had Bill Murray crash his kickball league." Fortunately there's a pic or no one will ever believe you."

Kickball Make-Up Games

You might have noticed in your email from the league, or on Facebook. But the kickball make-up schedule is as follows:

Monday, October 22nd - The entire league is making up our last rainout.

Monday, November 5th - Half the league is making up games from a long time ago.

We've updated our version of the schedule, so you can see it on this blog.

Stoney's after the make-up games?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Off Constantly vs Toe Jam Recap

Apparently, the OC does not like playing kickball before our usual WAKA 7pm, except for the Tournament of course, and it showed in our lack of effort through the first few innings. I did not even have enough time to drink away my birthday hangover before we were down 6-0.  We allowed Jason Werth type fly balls to drop in right next to three guys, myself included, while getting no kicked through 3 innings. But then an amazing thing happened. I realized that while the Soul Glo are all well enough folks off the field, I really don't much care for their 'antics' on the field. And I sure as shit don't like losing to them. And that's when it hit me that I have been going through the motions this season as far as being BeardFace. Therefore, I would like to announce in my first blog post in quite some time, that I will be yelling at your team's face during all kickball games.  We can be friends again at the bar.

Also, I don't think that calling a pitch a ball when it is thrown from side arm is enough of a deterrent. Half of Ruben's side arm/overarm tosses were out of the zone already and it encourages walking, which is pathetic in kickball. And since I am a problem solver, I would like to recommend the following rule change: "Any pitch being deemed by the umpired to have been thrown side arm or over hand shall be called a ball. AND the pitcher gets a nice punch in the arm by the captain of the opposing team." That should help to lower some arm angles.

I guess I'll wrap this up with a Thank You to Toe Jam for being you.  Enjoy your week of beating off constantly, Soul Glo.

Capt. BeardFace

ps. Up yours to Yella for not bringing the hunch for the first time in forever coinciding with the match with OC. Shame on you, sir.

Soul Glo goes Pink, Sticks 6 in the Stink

"Sometimes you're the fart....Sometimes you're the elevator.
 Tonight, we were the fart."
 - Yellabird

The Toejammers tangled with long-time WAKA rival Off Constantly last night and came out smelling like roses. Pretty pink roses. After going up 1-0 after two innings, the Toejammers unleashed the offense in the third to the tune of 5 more runs before closing up shop. OC was able stave off being shut out thanks to a 4-out inning late in the game for a final tally of 6-3.

Game Notes:
- A hate crime was avoided by acts of good sportsmanship in the second inning when Fat Kid decided to use Jack as an airbag to slow him down heading to third base. Fat Kid steps off the bag (and thus getting tagged out) to make sure Jack and his little red cap were alright. 

- For the first time in at least two seasons, Hess did not have any rape juice to offer up. 

- Fat Kid lost a bet on his Giants beating Ruben's Eagles last week, meaning he had to bear the awkwardly form-fitting Superman boxers this week.

- And of course, with October being national Breast Cancer Awareness month, we decided to go all NFL and represent for the cause:

 Free breast exams all month long

PBC v JackedUp recap

For years, we had strict requirements for our pitchers. You either had to be an Asian male or give off strong lesbian vibes. That policy had served us well. Already in consideration for the worst manager of all time, Josh went into panic mode and gave Justin the first start of his career. Despite Barry's tight strike zone, Justin painted the corners and gave up only 1 unearned-run over 7 innings. The only run came after Will brutally attacked me while I was running after a bad throw. On offense, we were agressive on the base paths. It cost us early when Eryca got nailed at third after somehow overrunning the base while going 0.0027 mph. Michelle made up for it, by somehow sliding in ahead of a throw going 0.0041 mph.  Despite Will's cheating ways, God's choosen team prevailed. Kelly Jo shoved me after the game.

Growlers vs JaMP Recap

Growlers took a earlier 8-0 lead.

JaMP scored 1 run in the 2nd inning and celebrated their first score of the season....even though they scored 2 runs in the first game of the season?  But who can blame them, the beginning of the season was during the Clinton administration.

Tony decided that his refing responsibilities also included:
1) Running down the first base line to make all calls while completely ignoring the 1st base ref
2) Music Regulation
3) Further irritating kickball royalty

Some more Growler scoring capped off by a grand slam...14-1 final ...I think

Disappointing game for 2 reasons:
1) No consensus on Jose's official acroymn
2) No shoving was involved  

Ligers vs Superbad recap

-Pitch thrown by SB
-Nate: "ball "
-A few people on SB : "what?! How was that a ball?"

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Picks Recap Week 5

JW lost with -4, and owes a drink to the following perfect pickers:


Since Paul is really the only one of those three who go to the bar, JW is getting off easy.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New GorecHate Rankings

No Picks this week cause of my GorecLateness but look what I did get to post...


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week Whatever Picks


5 maybe? Get them in by 4pm on Thursday. Write commentary because we are playing this week. Pick at least one of the following upsets:


Shit, there are actually a lot of good match-ups this week. But whatever.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Still comin' for us...

Also, don't be a Grinch Smithkey! I do see the resemblance though

Boom Boom

It's comin' for us...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In honor of the debates beginning this evening...

Get Some!

Debate Drinking

Love, The MasterDebater

Week 4 Picks


Ok, try not to select "rain" for all of your picks this week. And get ready to make these games up on a Monday later in the season.

But if we end up playing Mud Wars Kickball... get your picks in by 4pm Thursday. Don't text or email anything after that, because they won't count. And if your name is "Gorecki," your picks probably won't count anyway. Hate hate hate!

Upset Selections (choose at least one):
Beer Nuts
Pitches be Crazy
Jacked Up

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Make-up Games

The week 2 rain-out games have been rescheduled. Based on captain feedback, we will be playing Monday, November 5th.

SuperBad vs. THEE Beer Nuts - 7:15pm, Field 1

Growlers vs. Ligers - 8:30pm, Field 1
ToeJammers vs. Jose and the Moundpounders - 8:30pm, Field 2
Since this isn't our normal night, DPT proposes we go to Stoney's after the game. Spread the word.
The schedule on this blog will be updated soonish.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I present the inaugural..

So one of the benefits moving away was not having to deal with certain people. Unfortunately they found a way to still annoy me so one of my (short) associates came up with a genius idea to vent my hate. So without further ado I present to you the inaugural GorecHate Power Rankings!!!

Power Rankings - Week 3

Week 3 Picks Results

Paul had a perfect set of picks, correctly guessing the one upset of the week (JU over OC).

Jack, Alison and Gorecki all lost with -3.

While we're sure Jack and Alison will provide a beer to Paul next time he actually goes to the bar... good luck getting Gorecki to ever pay off a bet.