Sunday, December 23, 2012

2012 Final GorecHate Rankings

In honor of Festivus (Yes today is the actual day), and in the words of Frank Constanza, "I HAVE A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH YOU PEOPLE!" So let the airing of grievances BEGIN!....

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy Holidays from Drunk-Flo

Blog don't die on me!!!
3 years ago I joined Balls n Dolls, I was new to Tampa and didn't have friends.  Then a guy on BnD told me about you, I saw you, I was captivated.  You were energetic, funny, youthful.  We became friends and I found new friends & fun through you.  You were my first true friend in Tampa, we've been through so much, and it breaks my heart to see you in your aging days of decay.  DON'T DIE!!!! not on my watch.

I'll give you a pulse with Drunk-Flo's warm holiday cheer (& friends):

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Winter 2013 GKB Registration

Registration for the next season of GKB begins next Monday, December 10th.

That week will be considered registration for returning players and teams. Captains should use it as an opportunity to get their rosters set before GKB fills up the remaining spots with new people (who will probably stop showing up in week 4).

Cost - $55

Captains Meeting / Meet & Greet - February 7th

Week 1 - February 21st