Here's what you need to do/know:
1) Cost is going to be $30 per person. Please give either myself or your team captain money ASAP. I'll be around at most of our weekly events... so show up to some of them with monies.
2) The tournament will be a shotgun start at 1pm. So make sure you arrive WELL BEFORE this tee time. We will all start and finish around the same time. It was important to get an afternoon starting time for all you drunk asses. So don't be late.

4) We're playing a scramble. Official rules will be emailed out later.
5) We've decided to honor the memory our dear friend Lief by naming the tournament after him. He had a blast at the inaugural event last year, so hopefully we'll get some fundraiser opportunities in the works. Stay tuned for more info on this.
I can field a foursome, so sign me up as a team.
Please sign my team up...
BOOM. Now I'm done.
MAYBE I can get Matt to play with us! Then I may get my Bro and nephew to play, too. Let ya know!
would it be possible to get a group discount?
Count me in! Will figure out the foursome later.
Yes, a group discount is very possible.
I got 4. Me, Nick C, Matt P, and Drew R.
Count me in! I'll get a team together
Count me in for a round. Guess I'll have to pull the clubs out of the closet and hit the range. :)
I'm in, it will probably be me, Chuckers and Knowlty, although I have to confirm with them. I don't know who can fill Leif's shoes, because he was the only one who had any talent on our team the last time.
Put me down for a beer nuts foresome (get it, fore)
Give me those names when you get a chance, MJ
Jared---- If you want, I am sure Brent would love to play. Just throwing his name out there, because he is whining about me going out all the time and he has to stay home, hahahahah!
Mich and I are in
Team Beer Nuts
Also, please shade us in grey, with dark red letters. Thank you and have a good day.
I'm in.
So far I have a team with Duc, Gorecki and myself...
geoff we need to come up with a team name.. Going Balls Deep perhaps?
and may i suggest a hole-in-one prize hole so i can win another european cruise please? :P
Im in for golf...open to anyone who will take me on their team as MJ F$%#ed me on TBN team....
Tryouts were last week Irish. Where were you?
Working in Atlanta like I said when u organized that game too!!!No matter....we will still have a larf!!
Count me in Gerewolf. Have you heard from Knowlty yet?
By the way it use to be called the Bayshore Classic, but I like the idea of naming it after leif.
well how many "Bayshore Classics" did you have?
Knowlty's being a bitch. He says he doesn't like golf and that it's too hot to play in July, so we have to get two other people Chuckers.
Chandler, u still need a team? We could join Jared and Chuckers??
I think I got a team in the works... but will let you all know soonish.
The last one we played with you all was bayshore classic 3. We'll get Knowlty to play one way or the other.
so you're saying this is #4?
Put Mike S. and I in a group and we will find two more.
Reid is our 4th so our team is set.
Is Chuckers' team still looking for me people?
They need one I believe. I'll have the updated list up later tonight.
Then consider it filled..... there golf foursome that is.
I still need a team if anyone os looking for one more!!
Irish... I thought you were playing with Jared and Chuckers.
I can play...rather bring my clubs and drive the cart...not so much a "golfer" but i have the gear and would love to play...so if there is a foursome that just needs a position filled while they do all the work...count on me
If there' another spot on Jared's team, Rubs has expressed interest also.
contrary to popular belief... Jared's team does not have 9 spots on it. haha. I know he was asking Brent if he wanted to play. So I'm not putting anyone else with him until he tells me who he's taking.
Chandler, have you got a spot for us to play yet? I have an idea of a good place to play if not. Pebble Creek (new tampa) It will be under $20 for each player. Played there yesterday, it is in good shape.
awesome. just sent you an email. I wouldn't mind playing out there. but I'll give everyone through this week to sign up, until we solidify the number of groups.
Chandler... have some bad news. I'm going to be out of town the weekend of the tourney, so you can take me off the list. Have fun though!
If you guys want to play in Pebble Creek I can see about getting us a discount. I live in that neighborhood and sometimes get the hookup on golf. There is also a beach volleyball court if anyone is interested in playing after golf.
I am almost positive that Brent will be playing (see, I can be nice and let him out of the house!)
I just need to know how much it cost for this little shing-dig. I do need to budget for it, haha
Let me know if you need help with setting this tournament up. I can get us rules for the scramble and could probably land some sponsors. hell why not ask macdintons to donate to this since this is sort of waka related? anyways let me know, it would be great to raise some money in lief's honor and donate the proceeds to a charity that he was fond of.
I got the rules and all that good stuff set. We just need to get some donations from business for prizes if possible. We WILL be donating to charity, but I'll tell you about that later... since you aren't going camping.
Just realized I'm going to be in Utah that weekend. I'm converting to Mormonism.
But seriously, I'll be in Utah for work that weekend.
Hey guys,
Heather and I will be soliciting prizes for the tourney (i.e. gift certificates, hats...whatever we can get our hands on).
I am already going to hit up Ale House and MacDintons but if you all know any other business owners that wouldn't mind a tax write off for a charitable event, please let me know and I will contact them and go pick up whatever they are willing to donate.
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