Friday, September 25, 2009

Acronym Game

NKOTB is BAAAD this year. Worse than The Beer Nuts...possible?

They need a new meaning for NKOTB. Here's my idea. Any suggestions?

N Non-
K Kickballers,
O Out
T There embarrassing
B Bayshore


Nate Dawg said...

Were definitely better than NKOTB this year...TBN moving up the power rankings!

Grifter said...

NKOTB is going after TBN's Beer Crushing spot... I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

N Nonsensical
K Kickballers
O Obliterating
T Their
B Booze

MJ, I win.

Irish said...

Grifter stop that kind of talk. That is like going after the holy grail....near impossible to do that. Altho if I was to pick a person to do it it would be you.

N Never-will-drink-more-than-TBN
K Kickballers
O Of
T Tampa
B Bay