Friday, September 11, 2009

David Slays Goliath... Again...

I found this article in Readers Digest: Kickball Housewife Edition. I thought it was accurate so I'll post it here...

Dear Readers: I'm not going to tell some grandiose story about how the Ligers beat the ToeJammers 2-0 on Field A during a picturesque setting sun at 7:00pm EST, with a steady breeze whisking across the uneven playing surface from the northeast . I'm not going to mention how no one with any common sense picked the upset. I definitely won't take any personal jabs at SoulGlo, by pointing out the Jammers never lost to the Ligers when Kevin was captain... or when SarahB was on a different team... or when SoulGlo restricted their female attendance. And it would be silly of me to use the 15 game winning streak and 5 game win-less streak held by the respective teams as reason to magnify the significance of the outcome.

The bottom line is... both teams played some good kickball.

The Ligers scored two runs in the first inning with aggressive base-running and a few good kicks. Beyond that... both teams shut each other down. Quite boring if you're someone who needs lots of extra base hits in order to get aroused. And the slow, methodical, soothing defensive play surely left referee Nate with some blue balls.

Referee Nate

Anyway, the ToeJammers had to lose eventually. I think both teams are happy that it happened within the friendly rivalry of longtime kickball friends. And big thanks to the SoulGlo Girls who brought and shared pudding shots and alcoholic gummy bears. Fucking awesome.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.


SarahB said...

nice...i'm so gonna make you puke on our birthday now! :P

Nate Dawg said...

Great game! Video to come soon...

FRANK said...

You forgot to mention how veteran Bruce, aka Brett Favre, contemplating retirement, decided to leave his old team to grab one last title, only to be defeated, and have his old team at the top of the leaderboard. Go Packers!

Nate Dawg said...

Chan now you got a pic of me to put up under contributors lol

Nate Dawg said...

Bruce is comfortable in wranglers...

Nate Dawg said...

Bruce is comfortable in wranglers...