Tuesday, September 15, 2009

U2 Concert Plans

The U2 Concert is upon us in a few short weeks, October 9th.

I know a lot of people on this blog are going, so what is everyone doing? Taking that Friday off? Pre Gaming in the Rarking Rot?...


Grifter said...

I plan on Tailgating and then staying in the parking lot and crushing brews while i listen in for free....

MJ said...

Sounds lame.
I plan on tailgating then sitting in my club seats and rocking to U2...

Grifter said...

sounds like you are going to pay $100 more than me, and my beers will run me $.50 and yours will be $8...

Not to mention we will be able to see the jumbo-tron from the parking lot and hear the same sound that you do...

sounds economical.


MJ said...

Sounds like you are be justifying your lameness.
$100 well spent

Ryan said...

"the same sound that you do..." - LOL

It's not the same as a crowd cheering, which you can hear in the parking lot.

It is a musical performance. When I am 25ft from the stage, you wont hear "the same sound" 2,000ft away in the parking lot.

Plus I only paid $68/Ticket.

Irish said...

Jeez lads, who cares where you sit...its U2. You could be 3 miles away and you will still have a blast....ive done it!

As for the 9th, there is a big bunch of us going so tailgating it is..as for the concert I cant even freakin wait. Some friends of mine in Dublin went to the show there and they said it blew them away - better than all others, and to be honest I didnt think it was possible to get better than the other tours.

Mr Houston does it again!