Let us pray........
Our Bono, who arth from Dublin, Hewson by thy name, thy concert come, we will be done, in Tampa as it is in heaven. Give us this tour, your Epic tour, and forgive us our hangovers....
You get the message.......I cant even wait.
Saint Bono called me earlier too and said all WAKA members get back stage passes, but you must have your WAKA ID card to get in. And no glass in the stage. Anyone found with glass will be immediately suspended for the rest of the concert. And he said please do not throw your trash at the front row of the crowd.
Boooooooooooommmmmm!! (And yes that is a picture of the Pope and Bono. He gave him his sunglasses......legend)
Are you still drunk from Turrsday?
I had tirty tree and tird drinks on Tursday
I have decided to go...yay!!! and i'm dragging Chandler with me!
hahahaha awesome! i cant waaaiiiitttt!!! is it 7 yet?!?!?
also - U2 is officially more popular than the pope.....
"The tour's in-the-round configuration boosts capacity by roughly 20%, enabling the band to break attendance records in every venue. On Sept. 24, U2 packed 84,472 into Giants Stadium, the venue's largest crowd ever, eclipsing the 82,948 drawn to Pope John Paul II in 1995."
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