During my dominate runner-up performance during flip cup last night (lost to my gf, how humiliating) someone took the Alcoballics "Ding Dong" Hat that was right behind me on the Macdintons Bench. Yes its entertaining to wear and the ladies look at you with lust in their eyes so I can understand your desire to want to wear it. So whomever decided to take it if you can fess up and promise to bring it to next week's game, no harm no foul. If anyone witnessed someone wearing it around, call crimestoppers (aka my cell or post on here) and you'll be rewarded with a beer or two.
Hopefully the ding dong gets recovered and lets all pray for the safety of his return!
UPDATE: Ding Dong is Alive! This case is now being treated as a kid napping as Ding Dong has reached out and communicated here on DPT! (See Power Ranking Comment Section). Any one with knowledge to the whereabout of this missing.. uh.. object please contact your local jurisdiction (aka post on here) as a reward may be issued based on your information. Please help Ding Dong return to his rightful owner.
I wasn't aware you were even allowed to take it off... let alone set it on a bench without supervision.
I'm sure it hinders your flip-cup ability... but isn't that the point? sounds to me like you're going to face the consequences! (whatever those are)
I agree with Chandler, Mike why the hell did you take it off?
OMG!!! WTF!!! That Ding Dong Hat should be worn like the headpiece the Pope wears...AT ALL TIMES WHILE IN PUBLIC!!!
You realize if you lost the ding dong hat... that's pretty much going to guarantee you get the ding dong award for the season!
Ding Dong added me on facebook this morning. So if it has access to the interwebs, why not call the law?!?! Maybe he doesn't want to be found!! Maybe it ran away cause you abandoned it all alone on the sticky table cause you were too damn busy getting beat at flippy cup so now it's found a new home where people love it for who it is!!
Or maybe the bartenders threw it away cause they thought it was trash. Hell what do I know!
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