Ok lets do it. My place for some poker and MNF (go pack go). House address is 3306 W Paul Ave. I have 1 good table and one decent one so if you want to bring a table and those other table games we had at Bito's last time feel free. Show up around 7:30 and RSVP on here and give your thoughts to the buy in amounts.
OK I have another buddy or two that might come and play. So I think we have enough for one table. Everyone show up, bring money, and we'll try and get a game going. If not we'll think of some more interesting games to play to gamble with our money.
See ya around 7ish!
can i just pop in and watch the game? never really got in to playing cards.
I'm gonna try to come. I left my table and the other games at Bito's so feel free to use them if he's willing to cart them over...
I'll be there.
On a Monday? Poker is for weekends... some of us have jobs!
I guess I cant look at this site at work anymore...
Nate... ask HR if the site is acceptable again.
Ruben- you're welcome to come, but remember that rays glass you gave me for my b-day was supposed to have beer in it, so i'll be collecting "the rest" of my present tonight.
Geoff- As Arnold would say "Stop Whining" I'm sure u were out watching the u (lower case, you still haven't earned it are are not "back") on Labor Day and had no prob coming to work that next day. So you and your mangina better show!
We can make it 7'ish instead that way first hand is dealt at 7:30. But we need more ppl than this so more rsvps slackers!
I'm in for 730. $20 buy in is good. Sidebets on the game will come when I get knocked out and I go on tilt.
Geoff - you call me gay for going to metallica? You can't even make a weeknight poker game.
I have to be at work at 4:30 in the morning.
I'm in although I might be a few minutes late.
Ok I'm in... Bito will you bring my stuff?
LMAO!!! Thanks Chan! So funny!
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