Friday, November 6, 2009

Alcoballics game recap

I dropped the ball as did Buchanan... Wakashame wins, buys us beer.

How's that Chan?


Chandler said...

I love it. But can you draw a sketch of you dropping the ball?

Geoff said...

Done... complete with wormhole action!

bull said...

love it

Chandler said...

awesome. thanks!

M. Gorecki said...

So Buchanan and Heffey were bribed by beer to lose the game for us? This is starting to make sense! Hell, I was about to cut Ding Dong (yes, he's back) in half so you BOTH could wear it to the bar.

I also would like to make a motion to the board that we officially RETIRE (or someone permamently steal) Ding Dong. Both times he's "re-appeared" and was present at the field, WE LOST! There's no way we should bring him to the tourney! So I need a motion to pass this as well as cruel and unusual ways to destroy this now tainted & bad luck charm...

Chandler said...

stop trying to get rid of the Ding Dong, Gorecki. I heard a rumor they might designate you DD for life...

Nate Dawg said...

Im just gunna start calling Gorecki, Ding will catch on I am sure

April (tall) said...

I can agree with you Nate. I'm thinking Gorecki should be nominated for Permanent Ding Dong status.

Geoff - Funny Pic. Sad Reality.