Here is an idea… Actually several.
For the next party just write out the $4,000+ check to Ryan Zambito.
I'll take over a parking lot, probably an old Winn Dixie one, but in reality any one will do. I’ll have one large main tent set up, with two smaller special event tents set up(to be explained later).
(Plan B is give Missy $750 to "rent" her place, then let her charge $2 for parking PAL style.)
This party will consist of the following. A.k.a things I could definitely pull off and still make a healthy profit.
1. Way more beer than we could ever drink. $200 a keg my ass!
a. Multiple kinds in bottles, not crap du jour that is being passed off as Budweiser.
2. More wings than we could ever eat (Winghouse qouted me $0.39 a wing, not $0.60 or whatever)
3. Hell I might even get one of those bouncy castles.
4. Karaoke (For Alicia, and Chan/Rosey)
5. Flip Cup
a. The Terminator. A one man 3 cup, best out of 3 Tourney. No Mom Boning.
b. Traditional Team Tourney.
6. I'll hire the dancing pickle and the statue of liberty to be our go-go dancers.
7. The 1st annual Kickball Cup Challenge. 12 Events. 12 winners. One Champion. You know you want it.
8. Date Auction. (Such a great event where did it go? And to think we gave all that $$ to PAL so they could pay a guy to yell at me for walking on their field.)
9. Worried about tunes? Don't! I'll make sure Heather brings her iPod again.
10. Rectangle tables.
New Bito wrinkles... (Imagine the possibilities)
11. Cage Fights for charity. To be held in Special Events Tent #1. Only paying/betting customers are allowed to enter. Person A challenges Person B. “$100 says I can beat your ass.” Winner gets half, the other half to charity. Person A and Person B get people to back/bet on them. The winners get their bet’s returned. The losers donate it to charity. The more juicy the fight, the more people will bet, and the more the purse could potentially be. Fights end with a tapout, limp body, or a towel.
a. Example Fights
1. Ty vs _________ (Anyone)
2. You vs Tony
3. No one vs Mike
4. Castro vs Reid
5. Ruben vs Jeanette
6. Chandler vs Gorecki (Who breaks first?)
7. I could go on.
12. Strips for Kicks - The Girls of Kickball strip for charity. To be held in Special Events Tent # 2. Only paying customers are allowed to enter. No photography. Girl gets half. Charity the other half. 3:30 minute performance time min. I bet some girls could easily get $300-$500 for themselves.
a. Sadly Gorecki will no longer be considered a girl for purposes of this promotion and this promotion only.
b. Double sadly, there will be no champagne room or cigarettes.
As my buddy Rasheed Wallace once said..."Cut The Check"
so THIS is where this convo we had yesterday at pressbox was headed LMAO...and btw i did bring up the idea of a date auction and got shut down :(
Those are some good ideas, even though I missed the party for being in gainesville.
Rasheed also wants you to know that "both teams played hard."
And Randy wants to remind you that rich people don't write checks.
I'm down for some cage fighting! but I'd like to fight a girl or a crippled kid.. maybe a crippled girl? I'm in it for the money.. not the pride! Go me!
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