Verdict - Wash
2. None of the Your Mom girls know basic kickball strategy/base running more than they know a hole in the ground.
Verdict - Your Mom
2a. So having a player on Ligers say to a gullable ass girl "hey you gotta go back to first" so that you can tag her out when she begins to walk back to the previous base. Weak sauce.
Verdict - Ligers
3. "With her unassuming and trusting nature, she begins to walk back. BAM! Christopher pegs her."
Ohhhh... The pitcher had the ball and pegged her. And all along I thought it was Professor Plum with the Candlestick.
"15.01 Once the pitcher has the ball in control and retains possession on the mound, the play ends. Runners who
are off base at this time and in forward motion may advance only one base. Runners who are off base at this time and not in forward motion must return to the base from which they were running."
So during the game the Ligers lied about the play and who got whom out(At the time they said the pitcher never had the ball) so that they can technically get someone out, because if the truth was told technically the play was dead.
Verdict - Ligers
So in a reversal of fortune by a score of 2-1 The Ligers are in fact the bigger douches.
Congrats you get interchangeable attachments for those oh so hard to reach places.

yes, if Andy ran out the play he would have been safe.
and our pitcher had the ball... at second base. he wasn't on the mound or anywhere near it. the play was still live.
Least fun game of kickball ever.
and we didn't lie about the play. unless you're calling Yella blind and a horrible ref.
that will hurt his feelings so please don't infer that his official ruling was wrong
Least fun?? Souder, imagine if every team got a report card. And you played on a team that got "Fail" or "Needs Improvement" for every aspect of the game. Not even a charity "D" or anything.
Yella didn't lie.
The whole play hinged on two things:
The Ligers douchely telling Alicia to return to her previous base.
And after the play The Ligers telling Yella and Bruce that someone other than Chris got her out. Because if Chris had in fact gotten the ball, the play is dead, because he was on the mound.
Now after the fact your story changes and the truth comes out.
No. My story is the same. He wasn't on the mound. He was at second because he was backing up the throw.
AND... again... you guys deserved it. I personally have no problem being the asshole and asking the ref to call the play correctly. I don't believe in karma. I believe in 100% free will, and we decided to repay you for the Tony play. It's just the way of the world.
oh... and I'm very happy to know I can now die knowing what an Anal Douche actually looks like.
any of you ladies use Summers Eve? can I get a recap on how that all works and feels?
Idk, The playground bullies had a perfect season going and during the last game, with me on third, in the last inning, with 1 score needed to win, the ref ( duc ) told me there was 2 outs and to run on anything. I did and they caught the pop fly and tagged my base. We lost our first place spot that season. I could of tagged up and walked home for the win.
thanks Duc. DOUCHE.
Bito stop talking about my teams report card!!
PS I saw Niko at the bar last night! Alive and drinking. Suit up!
Pitcher never had the ball anywhere near the mound.
I have no idea whom Alicia heard yell run back to 1st. Wasn't me, Bruce, or the first base ref.
I have no idea if Chandler dropped the ball intentionally, but it sure looked like Tony did. Don't know if he was thinking double play before it happened though. Might have just planned on getting the lead runner, basically a fielder's choice.
yeah I dropped that shizz on purpose. lol
just sayin'
Here is a 5 year brother when playing little league gets told to swing his bat over and over when he is up to hit...they even have a ligerish lame chant: swing batter batter batter swing...he doesnt swing until he is ready or his coach says to...i'm just saying
Bito, you are bolding hte wrong part of that post..
15.01 Once the pitcher has the ball in control and retains possession on the mound, the play ends. Runners who
are off base at this time and in forward motion may advance only one base. Runners who are off base at this time and not in forward motion must return to the base from which they were running."
As posted in the other thread, if the pictcher is in center field and has the ball the play is not dead.
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