I would just like to thank Jared and Karen for hosting a fabulous party last night! I know everyone had a great time and now for some highlights....
As the bee hives took over and the stingers fell off, they found other uses.
If you need to plug something in, see Alicia.
And a replay of Duc and E-Flo, a few years ago complete with open "barn doors" and wet pants.
I have a ton of pics so see facebook for the rest!
awesome party. thanks again Jared & Karen!
Chan Chan you got the visor back?
yes... more on that later...
Surprised the lurking turd didn't get a mention.
Great party Jared & Karen I had a blast!
Ditto on the GT's! and yella i have a few lurking turds in my pics lol
Thansk for coming everybody. Good times had by all!
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