Monday, November 30, 2009

For Reals Lady. Go Get Me Some Ice.

Really Good.

Really Better (bonus slo mo replay/nate style)

I can't wait until I adopt mini bito. Even if my kid is the one getting laid out by some freak 6 yr old, I would still laugh... and then trip that other fucker in the parking lot.


Chandler said...

that second one wasn't a legal hit... helmet to helmet. Roger Goodell has reviewed the tape and fined that kid $25k.

Jared said...

The second hit on the longer video, up top, was absolutely hilarious. I don't want my kid to be a quiter, but I would probably be OK if he never wanted to show his face there again after flying through the air like that.

Nate Dawg said...

Both vids are hilar...some good hits. Cant wait to say stuff like "walk it off" and "rub some dirt on it" to my son...