So I talked to a few a you at Dintons last week and all of of sudden, boom, the shows here. Anyways, here's the details..
I was a volunteer and got hypnotized by this guy last time he was in town. Well it was his "X" rated show and I have the DVD to remind me exactly all the F'ed up stuff he made me do. So why not go back and witness it all again! Rich emailed me and gave me TWELVE (12) FREE TICKETS to tonights show. Its first come/first serve for seating and doors open at 7:30 with his show starting it starting at 8:30. They have food n drinks there, so lets take over the place DPT style! So if you all would like to meet up before hand and all travel together, just ket me know. Its at Side Splitters on 12938 N. Dale Mabry (Fletcher & Dale Mabry in same plaza as Chili's)and it take 15min for you S. Tampons.
So post on here if you want to join. People I remember expressing interest are..
So that leaves plenty of extra tickets. Post to reserve and I'll see you all tonight! Who's gonna volunteer to get hypnotized this time?!!
April volunteered her and Geoff's place to meet up and watch the DVD of me from the last show. (Its quite embarassing but F-it) So if you all want to meet at their house show up to 10954 Brightside Dr 33624 around 7ish and we will watch the video and head to the show from there.
we're in!
ok. tell me where to be.
Chan... see the update
Karen and I are in, but can't meet up that early. Can you text us to let us know when you are headed to the club and we wil meet you there?
got it. see you at your house Geoffy!
Jared, give me your number. Or if Chandler has it i'll have him text you as we r on our way to the club.
People confirmed thus far:
that leaves just 2 spots open. Any takers?
Thanks for the tickets Gorecki, that was a great time.
Damn it! I never get invited to anything! Guess that's what happens when you've been abandoned, kidnapped, held hostage, escaped, journeyed home and then re-kidnapped! After all I've been through for you Gorecki you can't even invite me to a freaking show?!?!? Thanks Bro. Hope you all had a good time...assclowns.
Thanks for the tickets! It was an interesting show. I had never seen anything like that before.
Props to Angie for getting on stage!
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