Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Next Big Thing 12/06/09

The next Big Thing is right around the corner...

The line-up this year is awesome (as always).

Rise Against
30 Seconds to Mars
The Used
Panic At The Disco
Sick Puppies
Framing Hanley
Manchester Orchestra
Cage The Elephant

If you've never been to this event, it's an all day concert at the Ford Ampitheatre.

Here's the link for tickets:


Let me kow if you're planning on going. I usually buy pit tickets but spend most of the day in the lawn. My friends and I block off a big section early so we can all sit together.


Chandler said...

already have tickets in the first level. but I'll be happy to tailgate and/or hangout early on during the early shows...

Ryan said...

Last year = Worst lawn concert ever!

It was like sitting in a field listening to someone's car stereo with the doors open, I could hear random convo's between people 20/30 feet away.

Sit in the seats or skip the show, not worth it.

Chandler said...

Right on, Bito. I didn't even go last year because I thought the line-up sucked. But that aside... I'll never sit in the lawn again for a concert I actually want to listen to.

Ford Amphitheater = poop.

Hello Kimmy said...

I agree with Ryan. The sound quality sucked on the lawn last year. One of the speakers kept cutting in and out the entire day. The video screen also had black bar going down the middle. FAIL.

It was fun playing the drinking game where you drink every time you spot someone wearing a shirt of one of the performing bands. It kept us busy all day.

Leone said...

Hate, hate, hate.

Last year was the only year I haven't gone since I've lived here.

I wasn't very impressed with the line up... but this year my FAVORITE punk band is playing again... Rise Against :) Yippee!!!

Leone said...

To buy tickets to this without the fees, check out the 97X ticket drops:

http://97xonline.com/cgi-bin/events.cgi?type=event&string=97X Next Big Thing Ticket Drop

That's where I have gotten my tickets before, I think it saves like $10

Chandler said...

hey... if everyone saves enough money... we can donate it to you (Cathy) and get a wheel permanently attached to your gimp leg...

Hello Kimmy said...

That is if the Shockers don't get their hands on the donations first...

What??? Too soon???

Jared said...

I think Karen and I are probably going. We'll go early to tailgate, then scalp some tickets to the lawn and hang out for awhile. Hopefully they have the sound figured out a little better, because we've experienced some of the same problems.

Leone said...

Oh Chandler... you're such a gentleman.

Always thinking of others :)

Chandler said...

Cathy, how do you feel about this model?? Think we can afford it?

Nate Dawg said...

I agree with Bito the sound on the lawn blows...ill be out of town either way