The tp at the Gorecki residence wasn’t a Halloween prank. It was a tp terminator sent back in time to destroy the ding dong. Because not only does paper beat rock, it beats ding dong. What we did not account for was the propeller. The propeller created a ticker tape parade out of the tp-600. We lost that battle but the war is far from over.
If you are reading this, you are the kb resistance. We have been at war long before you were a kickball league, before MacDinton’s was your sponsor bar and before you couldn’t park east of Howard. The devil’s hands have been busy. Some variables have changed but what remains is SkyNet. As I write this, the future is changing but SkyNet remains. What little information we have we send back in time in hopes that the war in future is leveraged our way or that the war never starts. The Ding Dong is the life source for SkyNet. The propeller powers SkyNet when it goes online and becomes self aware. The Ding Dong is the key to past, present and the future.
Attacks on the resistance leaders must not go uncheck either. The abduction of the Liger Visor must not stand. SkyNet is using the visor as bait to bring back the Ding Dong. Chandler needs and uses the visor to watch scrambled porn. He keeps it below his eyes for protection. Those teeth alone cannot protect those eyes. If he cannot protect his face, he wont be tossing one securely in his home when SkyNet becomes self aware. He will be out visor shopping and playing golf when the machines attack, thus eliminating a key future member of the kb resistance. This cannot be allowed to happen. Secure the visor and return it along with a bottle of lotion.
The JN-800 tried to take out future resistance leader Ruben. First with its primary weapon, sexual advances but somehow this failed. In the future, the history we have, he never turned any female down, an incalculable statistic. After that failed, the JN-800 went to secondary weapons, throwing beers, scratching with lee press on nails and kicking with hooker heels. Ruben escaped with only a scratch. But the JN-800 is a relentless terminator prototype. Careful kb resistance, its tertiary weapons systems are a self destruct sequence. It will try and take down as many people as possible with one fatal sweep. Like its attempts to sue the league for gender bias, luckily that same programming yielding allowing a child to participate in thunderstruck with gatorade. Self imploding will be immanent.
The TY-1000 was sent back to disrupt the course of the kb resistance with bad negotiating and horrible field policy. Not an infantry model the TY-1000 disrupts the moral in hopes of breaking up the contributors, the future resistance. The one upside of the TY-1000 is it has to maintain the league thereby maintaining the creation and existence of the Ding Dong so the TY-1000 can be used for kb resistance purposes as well. We can use their technology against them. Don’t hesitate here or SkyNet wins.
We have seen that Rollo has started his tactical training. His time away now, will only serve you the kb resistance in the future.
Bito you need not worry who I send back in time and the semantics. Just know it is no coincidence that you question it, you are on a team called “your mom” and you are a future leader of the kb resistance. Your anteater squad becomes our elite infantry unit and your recipe for Bito’s Doritos feeds the resistance here in the future.
I must be careful what I tell you and whose role is whose because it could cause you to choose a different path but just know that SkyNet and the machines are relentless and you must continue to fight and stay the course, OR WE ALL DEAD!
This is John Conner and if you are reading this with a ZPT login, you are the kb resistance.
Miss that guy...
makes you wonder.
But the Visor has been returned. So maybe there's hope!
amusing read, nonetheless.
Yes definitely a good read, it honestly sounds like a more than one person wrote it.
Glad to hear that the visor was returned.
Sweet! i have a job in the future!!! Nate, the fact i am mentioned rules out your man crush. and ChanMan, glad you got the visor back.
LOL, ah yes you are right Rubes...right after I wrote that I noticed how gay it looks lol. Just wondering what happened to him. I am sure you could care less.
god.. you guys must be bored.. lol
Is it okay that I didn't read it??? Ru gonna send someone to Trinidad to find me??? **rolling my eyes**
How can I be of assistance to the kb resistance? Hope my longwinded, often unfunny game analysis predictions are not part of some SKYnet travesty. But if I'm trying to recruit others to do so, that would seem kind of like a resistance thing. Of course, someone could have gone back in time to make think up so much needless commentary to distract other kb resistance at work, thus causing them to lose their jobs and be unable to pay to participate in kickball, thus hurting the resistance! Shit!
Dear John Connor,
The collection of Maxell tapes you left behind is not sufficient. I have so many questions.
How many "future leader"'s are there?
Is there a doomed succession plan similar to FSU?
Or are we gonna do it council style?
How do you become an A-Lister with that lisp?
Is the current formulation for Bito Dorito's correct? Should I continue tinkering?
Should I kill the ding dong if I ever see it?
Does Ruben come back to save me AND also create me?
Will I be brown in the future?
Would Skynet recognize a brown Bito?
Is ZPT/DPT really just a tool for Skynet to track and destroy us?
Should we switch the secondary protocol? Jeanette's Blog?
Is a change in the English language imminent?
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