“My feet hurt, so I took my shoes off when I arrived. I used the ladies room and when I came out the shoes were gone” the owner Melissa said. She added, “I left barefoot and drunk, which is better than barefoot and pregnant, but still sad.”
Although the shoes are from Payless ShoeSource, therefore not expensive, they were first worn on the Festivus Bar Crawl. Melissa’s sore but happy feet would like to wear them again. Please, if you know the whereabouts of these shoes post a comment and keep them safe until Melissa returns to Florida. There is no monetary or sexual favor reward for finding the shoes, just a smile on the owner’s face. J

seems as tho i was getting great shoe-cell service at the deck before they went missing
Why do so many things seem to go missing at Mike's house? Is his hot tub a black hole or is Brie a clepto?
Last time I proofread your work Mel. Stabskies
I unfortunatly do not know where the shoes are, they look cute and stylist though. I would love to see you wear them again so I will keep a look out. If I see them, I will capture them.
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