Well in case you were unfortunate enough to miss out on a world record flip cup event conducted by mix of your favorite drunken kickball peeps, here's some quality pics to make you feel like you were there all along. The karaoke was awful (except for the N'Sync tribute), the drinks were good (when you finally got them), the flips were better, the peeps rocked it out and my clothes still smell like smoke. Rubs, in true rock star form, was adorned with a crown. Several Alcoballics unsuccessfully tried fend off one member of Soul Glo to win cutthroat flip cup and everybody really had an awesome time. Cathy drank herself cross-eyed, Bito lost his shirt... again, Yella, Chan and Kramer had a threesome and Alison showed off her dance moves. Think a few other peeps might have actually got laid. Anyways, enjoy!

If Alison ever starts contributing to this blog, that has to be her contributor pic! Same goes for Angie!. those are funny.
Damn Flo...why you got to call me out like that??? I've been content just being a lurker all this time.
Actually you have to post something for it to be your first post. What you just did was comment on a post. Can't get a contributor pic that way!!!!
hurry up and post something so you can have a horrible pic like me lol
yeah... post something. tell us all your wants and desires...
Did you just nag me, Flo??? Picky, picky. Unfortunately, Sarah, there are a plethora of horrible pictures of me floating around out there...the pickin's are not slim.
I was not nagging, simply pointing out an inaccuracy in your comment. Wouldn't want you going around telling people you finally wrote a post when its not true. That would ruin your credibility. You are a newbie at this so thought I'd look out for you. lol
I can’t believe I’m going to have to go Webster’s on your ass Flo, but here goes…
* Nag (verb) – annoy, or irritate (a person) with persistent fault-finding or continuous urging.
And in case you’re going to tell me that you were correcting, not nagging me, here you go again…
* Fault-finding (noun) – criticism, typically concerning trivial things.
But, you must have been reading my diary because one my deep longings has been to go around shouting from the proverbial rooftop that I’d finally posted something to the blog and might be eligible for a contributor picture! I always appreciate you looking out for me though, especially when I’m a newbie at…writing…??? ;)
Wants and desires, huh? That list might just be a little much for this blog!
Now I'm going to have to go to Websters on you.
persistent - (adj) constantly repeated; continued
When else did I point out a fault. This was a one time thing.
BTW, people love to read about wants and desires on this blog. Maybe you should write a post about it. lol
Not at writing are you a newbie but to this blog and kickball in general. ;)
The pics are for "contributors" not just for people who post. By Allison calling your ass out (Flo), I think she is "contributing".
Ugh…this comment thread has gotten preposterous and taxing. I do not like arguing, especially over something like this. You’re right Flo, this bickering is not continual at all.
I definitely desire not to spend the rest of my evening arguing with you on what started as an awesome post by Kevin and my first attempt at throwing my hat in the ring. Speaking of…great pics and recap Kev! Lets hope the people getting laid you mentioned were more than just your threesome crew lovin’ up on each other! The record-breaking flip cup was tons of fun and something that should definitely be repeated! Good times!!!
And next time one of you boys wants to know about my wants and desires you’re gonna have to ask reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal nice!
Zing! Thanks Mike.
We'll have to clarify that question with the boss overlord of the internets, Mike. I always thought you had to create a post before getting your picture on the wall of drunk photos.
Actually, I may be wrong. Don't think Muffdaddy has ever made an actual post, only left comments. Thus, I think there was a misconception in my mind on how you get a contributor picture on the blog.
Then again, if I can get a lurker to comment then my job is complete. The more people that write on this blog, the better it will become.
Perhaps next time I see you Alison I will ask reeeeeeeael nice. Speaking of sex, maybe your first actual post should be Birthday Sex vs Breakup Sex vs Makup Sex and we can settle the argument once and for all.
Flo, is backpedaling tough? ;)
Michael Smithkey…I like the way you think! Challenge accepted! I shall make my first post about sex, and maybe even on the topic you suggested. If it’s not my first post then anticipate that I will be addressing this important issue at some point in the near future. I would also like to see the debate put to bed.
Haha, "put to bed"
I'm not backpedaling, I'm just admitting that it looks like I might be wrong about what the parameters are to get a picture on the wall of drunks.
If you want something put to bed then don't try calling me out as I will respond. ;)
Just to clarify. I only took my shirt off in response to some random guy(townie, underage, ?) who took his shirt off in order to engage me in some sort of perverse posedown.
I'm jus sayin
Bito.. it was sexy and I appreciate the pic.. made my day.. hahaha.. :)
Geez Flo, you and Al need to get a room.. Chat room that is... .Waka Waka Waka...
how do you think cyber-sex between Flo and Alison would go?
Flo: "I put on my robe and wizards hat..."
I don't think it would last that long.
Chandler, you forgot to add "and waves his wand around." lol
Hmm saying you won survivor flipcup without beating me is like saying you are the greatest golfer without beating tiger.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh.......I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you all not to say such things. Thanks.
And in case its not already clear, any form of wizard paraphernalia is not on my list of wants and desires. Florian: no more wand talk...............ever.
Rollo, I don't think anyone has to worry much about beating Tiger anymore--his wife took care of that for us. But.....I'm up for another game of survivor flip cup some time soon. Perhaps at an upcoming holiday party...?
1) your request is denied
2) you just misused "Survivor" when you meant "Cut-Throat" (see Bito's post)
3) "Flo casts level 100 Cock of the Infinite"
I) Sir, we have reached an impasse.
II) I just saw it--point taken. I stand corrected.
III) I have no idea what that means. If it involves a graphic description then I'm cool not knowing.
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