This little gem is apparently from a preview of MTV's show "Jersey Shore". Having not watched MTV since the Real World cast had jobs and social consciences, I had no idea this show existed until I saw this gif. After a little research I found this synopsis in a yahoo article. "The controversial new reality series chronicling a spirited group of self-described "guidos" living in a New Jersey beach house." Seems like MTV decided to take a Funny or Die sketch and find out just how true it could be. So what do you think DPT, have any of these guys made the trip out to MacDinton's on a Friday night sporting a brand new Ed Hardy t-shirt?
Mug Shot Goodness Update:

I see these guys in our kickball league... let alone at MacD's.
Good form on punching that bitch though. Keep that in mind. Do not talk to dudes unless you bring them a sammich...
They were talking about this on Fisher and Boy this morning, saying it's offensive to Italian Americans. Obviously, Guido was at one point a derrogatory term for that, but I don't think of Italians when I see these people. I just think Jackass or Douchebag. Either way, that dude deserves to be put in intensive care, and my TV hasn't been on MTV in 7 or 8 years I would guess.
Holy crap, is that real?! Man I hope someone Beat the snot out of that guy!
WOW! Just WOW!
Watch the trailer on youtube. Its great. "The Situation" HAHAHAHA
Looks like HE stole her drink. And then clocked her in the jaw.
You guys should check out I found that nugget a while back... there's some good stuff under "guido of the week"
i bet ernie dvr's this, no joke. he's obsessed with mtv.
Yes, Ernie does record it each week. The Today Show did a segment on the show this morning. It sounds ridiculous... but funny too.
@Chandler: Brie knows all about that! Someone learned her real good ;)
i LOVE this show! they better not take it off air. listen, i hate stereotypes and i would hate for someone to see me and think stereotype but those people exist and whether they are tv or not they arent going anywhere but the tanning bed. those italian image groups should have not acknowledged the show and drawn attention to it. ignoring it wont make it go away but your press is going to make it a bigger show. i would say get ready for a good two decades of this show unless the mtv brass, well arent brass below the waist.
Don't be knocking my fellow guido's. I'm Italian and from Jersey. I don't don the armbands and glasses at macdinton's but I sport them at the kennedy.
You all should take a trip to the jersey shore this summer.
lmao he actually got a 2fer. he hit the guy in the middle on the way to punching the chick, check out how his head moves and his face after.
that guy looks like a cross of robert deniro/ken shamrock
Saw another article about this. Apparently this dude is a high school P.E. teacher. Bringing them up right in NJ.
For the record I do DVR this show, HAHA (it started last week)! I will be pissed if they take if off the air.
For the record, Ernie has now learned the Guido Fist Pump, spends 30+ minutes on that "perfect spike", and suddenly says Bro every other word
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