An email that happened to fall in my lap that I thought to good not to share with others. Reading it reminded me of a scene from Braveheart. Enjoy!!
Good afternoon. In a couple of months from now, New kickballers will join me and reform the team Your Mom. And I know most you of you wanted to see Your Mom put down at last in kickball "Kickball." That word should have new meaning for me and the New Your Mommers. We can't be consumed by our petty differences or lack of playing a game of kickball anymore. We will be united in our common interests and that would be in kicking the crap out of all the other teams in kickball. Perhaps it's fate that today registration is about to be closed if it hasn't already, and me and my team will once again be playing for our freedom... Not for competition, no screaming, no yelling, no piss poor attitudes, or persecution from making a mistake... but from having fun kicking the crap out of other teams and if we fail ... so what? We are playing for our right to get drunk and still win. And should we win the day, Bayshore kickball will no longer be known as a competitive league, but as the day Your Mom's New Team declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! We will have soo much more fun losing than other teams will have winning! And when we win...Only a few from Your Mom's long lost past can remember the day Your Mom was Hot!! Smokin!! Your Mom, just like me, possibly one of the top 5 oldest players ever to play a game of kickball, will play once again just like the greatest older players ever to play in any sport, for example, Brett Favre, Lance Armstrong, Shaquille O'Niel, Marvin Harrison, Terrell Owens, and Wayne Gretzky. For my Your Mommers Today we celebrate Thursday Night Kickball! Your Mom's Style!
UPDATE: Your Mom has since been dismantled
this was sent to me too...good ol' FrankNjeans :)
I got an Independence Day vibe...at the "..we will not go quitely into the night.." part. Sad to see Your Mom go...we lost a lot of good men out there...free agency, unrulely fans...
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