Thursday, January 28, 2010


When I saw this picture of Mike wearing this wig for the RRR (not sure what its called) It reminded me of a childhood character I knew from Germany.

This is the cartoon character that I thought of when seeing this picture. Just thought I would share. His name is Pumuckl.


Smithkey said...

It is called the "day walker" award and is given to the worst player of the week. Last week it was given to Gorecki but since the whole team did so bad we thought we should all wear it. Looking at the stats though I am now thinking it should have just stayed on Gorecki's head considering he was the only person to not get on base the whole night.

Grifter said...

I think Flo just changed smitty's nickname to Pumuckel... IDK.

M. Gorecki said...

wait there's stats?! where can i view these? prepare to see more "munting" from me!

is there also fielding pct? if so id like to compare those stats with ya smithkey! :P