Greetings Kickballers, Lee Corso here. With the upcoming kickball season upon us, I'd like to remind everybody that Chris, Desmond, Kirk and I are only under contract for the fall seasons to be on the set of WAKA Gameday. For all my headgear fans, I will return in the fall. Now let me introduce you to a member of the upcoming WAKA Gameday Crew, you know him, you love him, Dick Vitale....

(Vitale) - Thank you Mr. Corso. First I'd like to say what a sensational job you did last season. I tuned in every week to Gameday to see your selections. For this season of kickball, the WAKA Gameday Crew will be Reece Davis, Digger Phelps, Jay Bilas and Myself. Each week we'll talk about the sport we all love, our national pastime. Baseball, are you kidding me? It's Kickball Baby!!!! There may even be special appearances by a very good friend of mine, The General Mr. Bob Knight. We look forward to covering the upcoming season with all the enthusiasm and positive energy. I've been reviewing tapes from the last couple seasons as I gather the list of my bayshore PTP'ers, Diaper Dandies, Alcatrazers, Marco Polo-ers & Strawberry Shortcakes. You'll learn my lingo as the season goes on. In honor of Mr. Corso, both Digger and I have some surprises in store for everyone for our final selection of each show. It's going to be awesome with a capital A! Baby!! Be on the lookout for the preseason VBDI Rankings. For all you newbies, that is the Vitale Bald Dome Index
Love it!
what is this "tourch" they are passing around?
other than that good stuff.
OMG I cannot wait!!! lol
"Tourch" haha. Corso was hammered
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