Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday post

Anyone working today? Rob you still pissed? Beer Nuts moving up the power rankings!!! hahahaha.


Chandler said...

I'm at work... but I'm not working. And yes I reckon the computer will move TBN up one slot.

Grifter said...


I haven't done shit today.... was waiting for some people to join the blog...

Off Constantly would beat the flonette's book it.

Chandler said...

Grifter... you'll get a chance to prove that week 8! hahaha

Nate Dawg said...

One??? We moved up one last week and we lost! LOL!

Suprised your not at Hollywood Nights right now...

Chandler said...

Isn't Hollywood Nights that strip club near my house who's slogan is... "Where the legend began..."?

Nate Dawg said...

Probably...its on the way to KB I think, on Howard

Chandler said...

That's the one.

Grifter said...

We tried to go last night but it wasn't open at 6 pm... bummer.

It's spelled Hollywood Nites.

Week 8 I will finally win a KB game. YES!

Grifter said...

Chan Chan

I think we might have a chance against Camel Toes... they aren't that great.

Nate don't run your race tomorrow and come out partying with me tonight!

Nate Dawg said... remember Im on my period

Grifter said...

You are always on your period... Just drink some GD cranberry juice and get over it.

Grifter said...

That's true.

I just don't want to sit at home and drink merlot while watching womens ice dancing by myself... never again NATE NEVER AGAIN!

Nate Dawg said...

Sounds like a solid night to me LOL

Grifter said...

Well I guess there are worse nights...

but still you get the point.

Nate Dawg said...

Yea...thought Paul-IE was hittin' up Mons with you for the buffet...

Grifter said...

text me paul-ies number...

Florian said...

Chan, don't think OC will get a chance to play us week 8. We won't be in the cellar. We'll get our second W next week.

Grifter said...

So I got to work late today... do you think the boss would let me leave early too? I would like a show of hands.

Nate Dawg said...

Im gunna go with no but you will never know unless you ask!

Grifter said...

USA is up 6-0 after the first period against Finland.... USA USA USA USA!!!!

Nate Dawg said...

F YEA!!!!

Grifter said...

I guess it's time for some Google Earth Flight Simulator....

J.W. said...

Flo, we'll have 2 wins by the end of the season as well. In fact, had one particular bone-headed 3rd baseman not made one of the worst kickball plays I've ever seen, we'd already have 1.

In fact, I'll go on the record right now with this: Off Constantly will win next week against Dollar Wells, and Grifter will be even later to work due to excessive celebration of his first win since Florida's last football national title.

Rob said...

First time checking blog since thursday am. Been busy havent been near pc to check it. no i'm not still pissed, its all for fun...until we meet again