October 1, 2009 – A typical night at Dinton’s. The flip cup table’s going strong in a Ligerballic cutthroat match up. Mike had just been given the honor of being awarded “Ding Dong” at that night’s game, allowing him to sport the coveted kickball-turned-hideous headwear piece on his head. He claimed the hat was itchy and took it off, setting it aside when the flip cup game began. Chandler was the first one to get out of the game, making him a prime suspect as hat thief. But, what had happened was…Alison (in between rounds) noticed the lonely hat sitting on a table and managed to snag it, shoving it into her purse without a soul seeing her. The game ends, Mike freaks and points the finger at Chandler (naturally). Later that evening, Alison pulled Brie aside and said “look what I got! I’m gonna let him sweat for a bit and not give it back right away.” Brie says “My lips are sealed.” The night continues and an idea is born: why not take the hat home and keep it til next game? He’s already lost it so he’s automatic Ding Dong the next week!
Well in the words of Angie Geiger, short story long. Alison decides to set up a facebook page for Ding Dong. After all, he IS a member of the team! Email addresses are created and the password is given to Brie who decides well, if Ding Dong is on facebook and has become a vital member of the team, then he should definitely have posting rights on DPT! You all know the rest…
October 16, 2009 – Brie’s surprise 30th (29:the sequel) birthday party. A house full of “suspects” – perfect! Alison has a few drinks and her and Brie decide it would be fun to plant DD back in the house. As it’s retrieved from Alison’s car, she almost makes it as soon as the front door opens, causing her to toss it in the bushes next to the door. A few more drinks later, she forgets and ends up staying in hotel Gorecbrie along with Chandler and Eflo. The next morning, Mike goes to take Pita out and notices a bright red object in his bushes – it’s Ding Dong! He brings it in and immediately the finger is pointed at Kevin and April, since they were the first ones to leave. Mike has to go in to work, Chandler, Eflo and Alison head out and – oh, snap! – Ding Dong is missing again! It’s not until a few days later that Chandler admits he took it and returns it to Mike. Though he still swears he never had it to begin with (which Mike only half believes). Skip forward a few months…
December 3, 2009 – Alcoballics Awards Dinner. Mike is of course voted overall Ding Dong. This time, he receives a trophy! A horse’s ass. He vows not to lose this one! Naturally, at the end of the night when we are leaving, the trophy is gone. Imagine that! Once again, fingers are pointed at Kevin and April since they were the first ones to leave (really, guys? Again?). Poor Mike just cannot win!! Of course, later that night everyone receives friend requests for Ding Dong Trophy’s new facebook page.
December 18, 2009 – While kicking back a few beers at the Independent, April (short) fills Brie in on a little secret – “Geoff and I have the trophy!” to which Brie replies “Alison and I have the hat!” Sweet! Forces are joined and Ding Dong hat decides to go spend Christmas vacation with his friend Trophy up in the hills of GA.
January 28, 2010 – Kickball Meet & Greet at MacD’s. The plan WAS to finally come clean but sources told us to wait til the first game. Pictures were taken and the Trophy and Hat were once again put into a hiding place. Mike is bummed that they never made their promised appearance, but then gets mad when he learns they actually were there!
Which brings us to today. New season. Fresh start. It’s been fun, it’s been tough to keep a straight face at times, but we managed to pull it off! Mike, you’ve been a great sport. Long live King Ding Dong!
Wow, good job Brie and Alison, I would have never guessed.
Nice job Alcobitches and Geoff! Wish I got in on some of that action!
"Once again, fingers are pointed at Kevin and April since they were the first ones to leave (really, guys? Again?)."
You guys know its not my idea to leave that early.
Actually, April and Kevin weren't the first ones to leave the night of the awards dinner. Two ladies Ballics did, maybe Juno and Lisa G??? I can't remember. Despite that, we still thought you had the trophy, Kev.
Steph's Face: there is always more action to get in on with the Ding Dong! Shenanigans!
love how my face has a pic yet i don't. i knew the night of the dinner of the hijackers identity and thought it was pulled off brilliantly. surprised with the amount of us who knew who actually had it that we didn't slip up. gorecki = ding dong FOR LIFE.
Looking forward to it, Ding Dong! At least you're made of rubber... so we'll have built-in protection!
Ah yes, fooled (and betrayed) by my own teammates! Great recap and you can see how you all have played with my emotions for several months now. I was glad it came to an end at 8:05 pm when they were presented to me in present bags. Then 9:05 comes around and guess what.. Ding Dong was stolen ONCE AGAIN!
Sigh, so I guess the adventure continues!
We need to lock that thing to your head so you can't lose it anymore.
Now, where the hell is the Liger Visor? I'm blaming every Liger loss this season on its disappearance.
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