Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Epic Story of Angela Geiger

Once upon a time in a magical place called Pinellas Park, there was a girl named Angela Geiger. She was the daughter of Queen, Judy Geiger...


Angela grew up to be a beautiful young women who loved to take long walks on the beach and think about her magical life as the daughter of Judy Geiger...

One day while painting her magical room Angela decided that as much as she loved being the daughter of Judy Geiger she really wanted to be a Magical Empress...

So Angela practiced and practiced and practiced with her magic stick. Magically she learned the craft of magic and became a Magical Empress...

Once realizing her dream Angela decided to leave the Kingdom of Pinellas Park and use her magical powers to spread cheer and happiness throughout the land. On her travels she came across a strange bacchanalian place called WAKA. Even with her magical powers it was futile to resist the evil enchantment of this land. Over time Angela forgot all of her magical powers and the evil WAKA devoured her soul and left only what is now know as ANGIE.


Chandler said...

I never seen someone work the Magic Stick that well. Fucking amazing.

Hey Angie... got plans on Sunday night?!?!?

Hello Kimmy said...

Ha... I've been waiting for those tapes to emerge. Nice job, Ry... oh, and daughter of Judy Geiger. :)

Still waiting for another baton solo. Should have happened on the camping trip. I brought one for you to toss around!

Brie said...

Ang - I think you need to be auctioned off next week!!

Buchanan said...

I would pay good money for a private magic stick dance!

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

OMG! I'm blushing, laughing, and rolling on the floor. Wow Ry good work. Now everyone knows about the magic stick;)

Buchanan said...

I have a present for you when you come pick me up tonight!

Geoff said...

Love it!

Hello Kimmy said...


Buchanan said...

That's what BRIE said!

Brooke said...

hilar!!!! hahaha 143 it

E-FLO said...


Maria said...

Amazing Baton skillz Angie, That is one magical stick!

Buchanan said...

I think Angie should start practicing with a disco stick!

Florian said...

Your baton skillz are no longer a closely guarded secret. Now the whole world knows.

Will you perform for us at the midseason party? We'll give you free beer! lol

SarahB said...

that is awesome!!! lol

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

Disco theme song: Staying Alive, "Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin'alive stayin' alive!"

BTW, there is not enough beer that could make me perform in front of a live crowd these days. I have resorted to private sessions:O haha!

Buchanan said...

How much do you charge? Will you do group packages?

Nate Dawg said...

I am interested in one of your "private sessions" Ang...

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

Well in this case Ry, size matters. How big is your group:P?

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

...and, Nate as for private sessions it looks like I am booked for the rest of the month. It's a busy time of the year. In-Season is a doozy.

Buchanan said...

Nate what to go halfsies?