Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I was way off on these numbers.

From my "Double Barrel Kickball League: Origins" Post.
So WAKA starts off with a gross of $26,220
45% or $11,799 goes to WAKA
15% or $3,933 goes to Social Money
That leaves 40% or $10,488
I’m willing to bet that all of that goes to PAL.

For one Thursday Night Season
It is actually more like this
Gross of $26,200
15% or $3,933 to Social Money
13% or $3,530 to PAL
72% or $18,737 to WAKA

Only about $7500 actually goes to playing the games and our one party. Or about $19.75 a person.
**Yes shirts are in there somewhere. But when ordering that many, they can't be more than $10 a person. So $29.75 per person. And there is also MacD's that "sponsors" us. The rest goes to pay Ty to be a douche and to line the pockets of some dudes in DC.... Fascinating.

There is also insurance. PAL wants $1,000,000 Liability.

Insurance quote for the whole league of 16 teams with 20 players on each team (Can add more) for a whole year/2 seasons

Quote # 1 with Medical
$100,000 Medical and
$2,000,000 Gen. Liability
$169 a team.
$2704 a league

Quote #2 without Medical- Which is what we currently have
$2,000,000 General
Liability Only
(Waiver Required)
$125 a team
$2000 a league.

So over the course of 1 season that is anywhere from $1200 - $2000 for insurance.

Insurance isn't the elephant here. For the last time. It is WAKA and their Profits.
Bottomline: Cut out WAKA and Profits. We could do Double Barrel Kickball League for $40-45 a person. Maybe even less.


Nate Dawg said...

Bito, one of the big costs that I have heard in the past is insurance preminums. As you can see in the PAL contract WAKA has to have a certain level of insurance. Not sure how much of that cost comes from our dues. We could definitely do a league for cheaper though...

Geoff said...

I'm sure when you sign up for waka there's a liability exemption on their part. so insurance shouldn't be an issue if the paperwork is in order; people are responsible for their own safety.

Nate Dawg said...

Yea I know, Im just saying that was the excuse that I got a few years back, I didnt dig into it b/c I really dont care that much. lol. WAKA is a business, businesses make profits and they are a good business. If your gunna start a new league I am down, but I am also down to stay with WAKA if you dont...