Monday, March 1, 2010

New Contributor Pics

So I think Saturday's epic "Cops n Criminals" event had enough alcohol present to loosen everyone's moods.. and face muscles. I nominate we replace the following people's contributor pics with the following...

My fav has gotta be Buchanan's!


Gorecki's Hot-Tub said...

Some of those are pretty priceless. I just want to get mine up there.

barflett said...

I move that the picture of Kevin in a speedo get removed from this website STAT.

E-FLO said...


Chris said...

Class, class, class.

YellowBird said...

Charlie, you've seen the full Yella, no need to hate on the speedo. It was just a novelty for my fans.

YellowBird said...

Did somebody fart in Souder's face?

April (tall) said...

Classic! I love the next Contrib pics!

barflett said...

lies on the full yella, Kev. No one has seen the full yella and not gone blind. I can see just fine.

SarahB said...


Gorecki's Hot-Tub said...

I saw most of the full Yella on saturday and it wasn't pleasant. Good thing I don't have eyes.