I expected some better fact checking from you DPT. Camel Toes are last in offense. We're second to last in offense, and in the standings thanks to Doller Wells forfeit.
You can't just randomly beat Off Constantly. You have to have a well-planned attack and great stamina, neither of which Superbad was able to bring to the table.
Uh oh it looks like DPT might be in need of a witness protection program.
Flo quit trying to argue your way out of the bottom of the power rankings. Pants on the Ground deserve the ranking they have. You are just lucky there is not more teams in the league or you would be even lower.
I expected some better fact checking from you DPT. Camel Toes are last in offense. We're second to last in offense, and in the standings thanks to Doller Wells forfeit.
Prepare for more accosting on Thursday, Brown.
You can't just randomly beat Off Constantly. You have to have a well-planned attack and great stamina, neither of which Superbad was able to bring to the table.
DPT is tired from the long weekend, Flo.
Oh... and there is no "E" in "dollar"...
There are a few "E"s in "Deutsche Mark."
Please un-install Cathy's Spell Check.
Don't worry fellas, a tourney recap is coming soon
I don't know, Cathy's spell check is fun. I like your Deutsche Mark reference though; haven't seen one of those in like 8 years.
Clique was broken up a bit on Saturday...half in St Pete half in Tampa. Great time on Saturday...Liger Visor 1.0 told me she misses you...
Yeah, I got about 15 texts/emails of pics with LV1.0.
Chan Chan I know who has Liger Visor... I can help you get revenge!!!!!!
Off Constantly has legit losses at the hands of PGB and BND.
Team Fab beat us on a fluke play... but they still beat us.
Off Constantly will be 3-3 after this week. Book it.
I'll reward a night of dollar beers at MacD's to whoever personally returns LV1.0 to me.
What about information leading to the apprehension of the perpatrators?
not sure about that...
A night of dollars at Thee Doll House after our Beer Olympics game and you got a deal...
hmmm... something tells me that you'll spend more of my dollars at THEE Doll House than you would at $1 beer night...
Well Chan Chan, as they say snitches get stiches... or loose lips sink ships, or something.
I can't give you information if I don't know I will be protected.
Chan...duh! Gunna bring my whole clique with me too, cool?
Uh oh it looks like DPT might be in need of a witness protection program.
Flo quit trying to argue your way out of the bottom of the power rankings. Pants on the Ground deserve the ranking they have. You are just lucky there is not more teams in the league or you would be even lower.
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