Friday, March 19, 2010

Cut-Throat Flip Cup?

So since Marla and Brie (the flip cup nazi's) refuse to let me play in the flip cup tourney as a one-man wrecking ball. I thought it would be a good idea to test the waters to see if anyone would be interested in a league wide Suvivor Flip Cup tourney?

We can have an entry fee or not... I would prefer not, but would place one requirement on the tourney in that all participants must be an active member of a kickball team this season. (on the actual roster) I do have a special prize for the grand champion of the league.(Its pretty sweet)

Not sure if anyone else wants to settle once and for all who the best cup flipper in the league is or not... but I bet it would be a good time.

Sound off in the Comments.



Brie said...

Oh Grifter, cry me an f-ing never asked me if you could do this “one man wonder flip cup show,” so ease off on the name calling, you pansy. Tell you what – all the teams are signed up already but if you wanna find someone else to challenge you to a survivor game I’m all for it. $10 per person, 7 cups. It won’t count toward the actual tourney, but the money goes towards charity anyway so go for it.

Ryan said...

I pray and hope you two aren't talking about "cutthroat", pretty sure we cleared that up a couple of months ago.

Grifter said...

Brie - It was Marla... guilt by association...

Have you played suvivor flip cup? I am not talking seven cups... I am talking 14 people at a table all going at once. The last person to flip their cup over is out.

Grifter said...

Bito - When was that resolved?

Was I there? I don't think so.

Brie said...

I know the difference, but you said you wanted to play as a “one man wrecking ball.” If you want to play tourney style, 7 cups against another one person team...

Erika said...

Survivor is when each round the losing team votes someone off and cutthroat is when everyone goes at once and last one to flip is out.

Question though, in Survivor, after someone is voted off a team... does someone else on that team have to go twice? Because wouldn't having one less person be an advanatage? Or is that the point, to give the losing team an advantage so they don't lose again in the next round?

Rollo said...

Since I'm out town grif the best you could end up being is still 2nd.

Ty said the 1 man teams in the tourney were no longer permitted so don't blame it on Marla or brie.

Ryan said...

Ty Schmy.

Grifter, lets lock it down.
8 man knock out tourney.
Random Seeding.
5 cups. For round one and two.
7 cups. For finals.
$5 entry fee.
2nd place wins $5
1st place wins $35

Potential Players.
Grifter, Chandler, Ruben, Myself, The pitcher from PGB,...

That is 5 people right there.

Grifter said...

Bito - Lets lock it down:
My purposed rules:

1. Everyone has one cup.
2. Everyone Drinks and flips at the same time.
3. Last person to get their cup upside down is out.
4.Repeat until there are only two left.

Final Round - Best of Three - one on one match up -

One Cup, three flips. You have to refill your cup after each flip.

The game is much easier when you have pre-filled cups... filling mid round may cause you to overfill your cup... it's all about the steady hand.

April - The team that has less people in suvivor still has to drink the initial number of drinks... so if it starts 5 v 5 and it gets down to 5 v 1 the 1 has to drink 5 times. If it gets down to 2 v 2 each team still has to drink 5 cups... the amount of cups never decreases.

Nate Dawg said...

Yea its Cut-throat Grifter get it right. And in a flip Cup tourney a one man team is a HUGE advantage over a team...until you get too wasted which Knowlty-Poo solved a few seasons back by Ralphing like Wigum between rounds...

Ryan said...

I dunno. Giant cutthroat games are fun at parties when you don't really care if some random stumbles in during the second round. Or if half the people don't put beer in their cup, etc. But in a competition, these things fucking suck.

I think a true 1 v 1. Is the way to go.

Grifter said...

So we find a way to keep track of it... break it down into several sattelite tables like a poker game... narrow the sattelite tables down to 2 or three peole... everyone can remember who was at their table.

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

If there's an entry fee for this game and its during the mid-season party, the money should go to charity (even if its a charity of choice.)If not either way I'd think it would be cool to wait until after the date auction so we don't take away from the purpose of raising money for the Special Olympics.

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

Don't get me wrong though, I love me some cut-throat:)

random BnD guy said...

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ...
Does the HJ in your name mean hand job? if so can I have your phone number?
thanks and have a good weekend
random BnD dude

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

see also, Magic stick, Epic Story of Angela Geiger, ipod...

Chandler said...

Aaaaaangie... haaaaaaaand jobs...

bull said...

So I could be wrong here but what I heard is......wait for it...."Waaaaahhh!! No body wants to play on a team with me!!! So instead I'm going to come up with a tournament and call it by the wrong name just so everyone can pay attention to me!!!" Again I could be wrong, but that's what I heard. lol

Grifter said...

Bull... I have my own team... I was just forced to put it together by TY... that is all.