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I'm overdue to have another poker night at my place so lets schedule it for this Friday. (The eve of our kickball tournament). Theres plenty of beer still left in the keg from Tenielles Party (you lightweights) so I'll keep her iced down (the beer not Tenielle) this week.
Start showing up around 7 pm with cards getting dealt at 7:30. $10 buy in as always. Lets get enough ppl to show up to do 2 tables again. See ya there... (3306 W Paul Ave Tampa Fl 33611)
r girls allowed... u should be scared.. I'm gooood.. well about as good as I am at choosing the winning team in B-Ball.. lol
Of course girls are allowed. Our beers aren't going to pour themselves!
Yes, girls are invited. In fact, I might be bringing a "non-kickball" girl over so we can quickly take you all's money and you can get back in the kitchen.And its not Jeannette, lol...
momma said knock you out for that kitchen comment slacker...
Gorecki... is that "non-kickball girl" the same one that forces your facebook relationship status to be "open?"
Let me know when you host a dice party. Poker blows.
i would like to play since i have missed every game since the first one
Heres the list of ppl so far:
Ryan Buchanan
Tenielle (must have one foot in kitchen area at all times)
Steve P. (non kickballer)
Susan (female and non kickballer)-bet shell scope u all out from down the block and will be too scared to come inside
Is Susan single and a 1 on the binary scale?
If so, I'm in.
Im going to try to make it over for a bit...cant wait to get a beer and a sammich from tenielle
I'll be there.
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