Some of us are putting together a bowling team & I wanted to extend the information to everyone else. You have to sign up by next Thursday... more info can be found here:
I think it would be fun to have a few teams of people we all know.
Karen and I are in if two other people want to sign up with us. We've played before in Seminole, and it's a good time.
I've been in that league for a few years, took off during kickball seasons. Its fun.. and will be rejoining for this coming league.
Jared... I'm interested in your team.
I would try to play, but do you have to be good at bowling?
The current stats sheet shows the high average is 213 (very good) and the low average is 87, with a bunch of people in the 120-140 range. And its not really a super competitive league.
So Maria.... you'd be below the low-average. ;)
Hey Jared, Chan and I will play with you and Karen if you want!!
But just a warning.... I'm amazing at bowling.... hahah
Jim... isn't it good to have a Maria on the team for sand-bagging purposes?
It's Wii bowling right?? If it is, again, I'm amazing!
Ok so according to the link it is $10 more for a "non-member?" What does it mean to be a "member" vs "non-member" and how do you sign up? Is there a fee?
To become a member with Tampa Bay Club Sport you do have to sign up and there is a fee. It costs $40 for a new membership and $35 to renew for a one year period. You then get $10 off of each league you sign up for throughout the year. How many leagues you play in will determine if this is a good option for you.
This is the link to the membership page:
Ahh, I see. Thanks Alison!
It hasn't made sense for me to be a member, I just keep paying the extra $10 spot. But don't forget you have to sign your team up by next thursday. Our team has Russ, Lauren, Eflo, April, and myself with Angie as an alternate. So if someone can't make it one week for your team, we can send over our off person as a sub if you want.
Maria... you owe Jared/Karen $90. And we need a team name.
I might just show up to watch and drink beer...
I think I can manage to drive the 1 1/2 minutes from my house and come out to be your cheerleader. I'm pretty damn bad at bowling so I'll do you all a favor and not play :)
I'm with Brie. I'll be a cheerleader :)
when are the games? I'm actually not too shabby at bowling...and i dont mean wii bowling
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