Here's the link.
How can we use this news to make our league better? Well, first of all we shouldn't allow park rangers to officiate our games. You can't trust those bastards, particularly those from San Francisco that play with puppets for children. I'm looking at you "Ranger Joe."

Secondly, 2,500 people? Are you kidding me? I'm not even going to start believing that, but Ty is and he's aching to get that many people in the league and have us all kick once a season or less in our three inning games that end by sunset every night.
Lighting is expensive and we're going green anyway.
And most importantly, the inappropriate team names are one thing, and I can understand we're a more conservative crowd than St. Louis... wait, did I just say that? Are we really prudes compared to boring, midwestern gateways to the west? I understand they're in the "show me state" (perhaps streakers would be more accepted?), but we're Tampa: home of more strip clubs than you can shake your stick at. Seriously, have you ever tried shaking your stick at all the strip clubs in Tampa? You'll get tired eventually, trust me. (More aimless rambling. Why haven't you stopped reading yet?)
Back to the most important part (and the only reason to have continued): the team logos. Here they are, lifted from whoever published this groundbreaking news:

So here is the modest task which is your charge, contributors of DPT: create some damn team logos. They're awesome and severely lacking from Bayshore Division. If I had any skills with any graphics program I'd step up and give it a shot, but MSPaint just isn't going to cut it.
I'll hang up and await your response.
Those teams are insane funny!
Check out more here --
I really like 'Taint Misbehavin'
I can only use Nate and MJ as a gauge of how unruly people are in St. Louis. They did after all create 'Get Nasty Day'.
We do need logos on the site. Good call, Jack.
Alcoballics already have a logo
There's a ton of awesome stuff in that league and on their site. Did you see how many leagues there were? I'm sure a lot of people play multiple times a week... but they could easily have 2,500 roster spots.
I'll have to upload some pics from Get Nasty Days in the past. Nate's got some good stories, one that includes a cave. Hopefully he'll divulge.
As far as the STL league, my dad just sent that link to me yesterday. They must be cracking down. He said he used to play rugby there and they used to get twisted. Love that pic tho, Cowboy Hat guy is the STL version of Yella.
I created a logo for TBN in the past. I will have to find it. Don't know if it will trump the RRR logo. That thing is pretty BA.
STL Represent!!!!!
I dont see a date for it but I want to go there and play in their Beer Olympics. Can you imagine if we went up there and won it?
I'm sure there are 2,500 people, I just wanted to make a "waka is stealing our money" joke. We haven't had an extended "how I would run a kickball league" post in a while.
Also, perhaps I underestimated the level of seriousness St. Louis puts into partying. Perhaps it's the fumes from the brewery, and since ours has been closed, we've lost our edge.
Jack we defintely get down in STL. All there is to do there is drink beer and F...thats why all my friends back home have drinking problems and 3 kids lol. No but seriously its pretty true...
I honestly looks like they have one guy who is good at logo creation... and makes a kickass logo for all the teams.
Some of those names are fucking sweet though.
Nate... we celebrate "America Day" down here. Although I've purposefully kept it small in years past since firearms are involved. But in June we'll do a practice run and branch it out.
Sounds good Chan...looking forward to June
I won't be here for America Day this year so I wanna do the June version!!
Yella! Team Banana Hammocks is all you! LMAO
Those names are HILAR!!!!!
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