5th inning and 3 up 3 down for Off Constantly.
The Jammers waste no time in loading up the bases with no outs. Off Constantly know that any deep fly ball means the end of the game, so they decide to pack the infield with all 10 players. Needing only 1 run, it comes down to Rachel who pops up. Up steps myself, after a few pitches and a foul, I send a meek popup to Ty on 1st base, who tries the relay home to tag out the runner from 3rd Griff.
(Photographic representation of the ensuing play)
As you can see, the catcher is mere feet away from Griff as he spreads his "eagle wings" (very distant cousin of the "batwings" b.t.w) and takes flight, yet the catcher is unable to hit his target.
In the end Griff's double eagle wing/pokemon/somersault/end around tele-tubby/triple blue jay gimmick into home plate clinches the game for the Jammers.
Well done Griff.
Bonus Material:
a) Surprisingly Griff didn't hurt himself during the penultimate moment of the game.
b) Look in the background (Directly above Griff's left knee) at Grifter who is almost giddy at the thought of ending the game on a play at the plate. Wish someone had the agony of defeat follow up pic - HORN!!!
Grifter definitely needed a *horn* at the end of that one. I think he set records for frivolous arguments and time stoppage without an injury.
BTW, great argument when he actually suggested that base runners SHOULD collide with first basemen if the throw causes them to cross over to the outside base. You wouldn't actually rule something that way if you were reffing would you, Grifter?
Nice/creative/porn-inspired base running by Griff at the ending.
Pretty amazing picture there. It was the pitcher making the play there.
I'm still pretty proud of the game, if for no other reason than I kicked a three-run homerun with a birthday hat on.
Good win for the yellow team. I think they'd agree that we're severely underrated in the power rankings if they could get past their severe hatred for many players on our team.
Hey I love Grifter at the bar. Just somebody put a muzzle on him at the fields. And Ty isn't that bad if he doesn't have to make any decisions.
it was a great game! you guys for got to mention when ashley won the game but was robbed, gladly it worked out since griffindor had a grande jete between his legs.
Great pic!
My argument wasn't that the runner should collide, my argument is that the runner shouldn't have to collide.
If the 1st basmen has his foot on the inside bag, and the runner runs to the outside bag there is no collison.
In this instance the runner did not run to the outside bag. Rule 14.02 subsection O. "14.02 An out is: o. a runner coming from home plate who steps on First Base when required to use the Extra Base (while an Extra Base is in use - see Rule 1.06)."
Regardless of where the throw went, the runner did not go to the outside base and should have been out.
As far as the final play of the game:
Ty fielded the ball on the first baseline, relayed it to another (to remain nameless) player, and that player missed the tag... as much as I hate to say it, this wasn't Ty's fault.
Hell, it was almost Bito's fault for not being able to kick a ball out of the infeild.
I am not the one who threw the ball back at to home and hit a player in the head. Don't come to me about being a dick at the fields.
At least we allow all of the people who show up to the field the ability to play...
Last time Griff did that - if i remember correctly - he got tagged in the junk...
LOL pretty awesome pic though...nice job
"At least we allow all of the people who show up to the field the ability to play..."
Is that a poke asking us to give up our lineup before games now? Think we had 18 or so make it and all but one played D at some point in the game.
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