After the "baby seal" clubbing our two teams took last week, DPT eagerly hoped for a couple of rebound matches. Both the Alcobowlics and Alley Gators (Beer Splits) showed up in full force, complete with a handful of cheerleaders. Seriously... I think we had (once again) more people watching than actually bowling.
The 'Bowlics faced off with a team which tied the Gators in week 1. Surely they wouldn't struggle against what has to be the slowest fucking team in all the lands.
Wrong. They got swept 4-0 and are now the only team in the league without a point. Geoff was too busy thinking about his Atlantis vacation... and stunk up the alley with a 116 in game one and 117 in game three. E-Flo was decent and still maintains DPT's best average. Russ needs to contact TBCS to tell them they mis-calculated his average on the website (actually I just emailed the guy for him... nobody beats DPT's customer service). And April refused to break 100 in three games, showing resolve never before seen on the lanes.
Meanwhile the Alley Gators went head-to-head against the Incredibowls, which is the only team in the league with a lower total pin-fall. Much to our surprise, it turns out Jim from the Shockers plays on this team (and plays quite well). He baby seal'd the shit out of the Gators with a 200 in game two, and 182 in game three. Since Jim has been an avid DPT lurker and pick expert, he will be added to our bowling standings.
Anyway, the Beer Splits won the match 3-1 thanks to some stellar bowling by Jared (who matched Jim's 182 in game three). Maria continued to improve and also added some consistency this week, probably due to those double-tall vodkas. Chandler sucked major donkey ass, yet remains the only one on the team to have never been "dropped." He vows to rub this in Jared's face until it happens.
In other news:
- Buchanan is off crutches.
- Your dick went straight to DVD.
- Geoff is going on a cruise.
- THEE Beer Nuts have still NOT invited you to Ginnie Springs this weekend.
Nice Recap! I would love it if we could fill that alley with AleeyGator/Alcobowlics fans, it wouldn't be hard to do, I mean the alley is smaller than a football field. Come on people, come out, drinks are super cheap and the food sucks!
The Beer Nuts haven't invited me anywhere in years..... :(
Oh well, break 'em up, break 'em up break 'em up!!!
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