Monday, June 14, 2010

New Drinking Policy for WAKA

 Alright kids... another WAKA-Bayshore season will be here sooner than you think, so lets go ahead and start the ranting.

With the addition of "Big Guava" (the Wednesday night league this summer), there have been a few changes.  First off, we have a new league rep who will oversee Guava and Bayshore.  I had the opportunity to meet her, and she seems nice... yet I'm confused as to why there hasn't been a big announcement to the league yet.

Anyway, what's concerning is the new alcohol policy on the PAL fields.  My Guava sources tell me no explanation was given for the change, but a half-assed attempt to blame PAL was muttered on the side.  However, if you recall, our current PAL contract (at least the one we were under last season) states: 

"Alcoholic beverages will be strictly governed by and the sole responsibility of the World Adult Kickball Association. PAL does not provide, support or condones alcohol consumption during athletic events."

This is important because unless our contract has changed, PAL is saying that we enforce our own policies.  So... what's the "change" I speak of?

*Taken Directly from Guava's kickoff email*

Beverage Rules:
No cans or bottles are allowed outside the parking lot; all drinks must be been pre poured into a thermos with a top or bubba keg type of container elsewhere. Opaque(not the clear see through type) of drinking cups are allowed. You can pour your drink from your thermos etc into your cup at the park. Simply hiding a can or bottle in a bag is also a violation of the  rules. Coolers are not allowed on the fields.
Summary of what is not allowed on the field:
Glass Bottles
Beer Cans or Bottles
Shopping bags, boxes, etc  with beverages in them.
Anyone caught violating this policy will be subject to suspension and having their team forfeit the game.  The last thing we want to do is loose our fields and not have a place to play the great game of kickball.

So we're a HALF step away from losing our drinking rights completely.  And yes, these rules will apply to the next Bayshore season.

Basically, this just encourages us to make Bubba Kegs filled with liquor drinks, which will get people even more fucked up and is twice as dangerous. Feel free to add your comments, but we all know where this is heading. Say goodbye to chug-offs, Beer Olympics and fun.


Griff said...

wow...someone needs to let this new rep know that WAKA isn't the only game in town...

Chandler said...

Well I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that the new rep was behind the change. It's worth asking... but we should have some benefit of the doubt.

I've always said that the restriction of alcohol will be the demise of OUR participation in the league. But we will be easily replaced if we choose to go elsewhere. And the new kids won't know what they're missing.

Geoff said...

So they're suggesting we drink in our cars?

E-FLO said...


Maria said...

hmmm.... you have to pour the drink into a container before you get to the field then?
I hear flat beer is good.

J.W. said...

I propose a second-, and perhaps a fourth-, inning stretch for refills.

I'd like to know the reasoning behind this new rule. Encouraging borderline alcoholics to switch from beer to liquor is NOT the right step. Was it perhaps a trash issue? I thought the bold recycling efforts did a great job of curbing that, and I also think teams were respectful enough to clean up after themselves.

If PAL doesn't want us to drink, they should come out and say "no booze at the fields at all."

RÜBS said...

waka has stock in bubba kegs

trinihic said...

sweet... My pink bubba keg already has you guys beat... another way to get drunk quicker.. :)
But the rules are gay.. next season there will be a NO alcohol policy I'm sure...

Chandler said...


I've talked to a highly ranked source "in the know."

PAL is not behind the rule change, nor is our new rep. It is however coming down from WAKA.

Allegedly, this "rule" has always been in existence and our regional rep is asking for it to be enforced.

Nate Dawg said...

So weak...Kickball Society anyone?

Nate Dawg said...

Chan so you are saying that this is Ty's going away present to us?

Geoff said...

wait I got it... wine in a can!

Grifter said...

I guess I will be putting good use to my 30 Gallon Gatorade container next season... a different flavor of hunch punch every week!

In all seriousness I back Jack's plan... 2nd and 4th inning stretches. we would have to keep it tightly monitored though because we all know what happens at 9:15.

Nate Dawg said...

LOL!!! Genius!!!!

Smithkey said...

Kickball Society

Chandler said...

Oh... I also want you all to focus on this sentence in the email:

The last thing we want to do is loose our fields and not have a place to play the great game of kickball.

Please keep that in mind since we've already confirmed it is WAKA (not PAL) enforcing this rule in Big Guava.

This is the kind of mis-direction (ie: lie) we should always be on the lookout for.

And yes, I don't want to "loose" the fields either. But I also don't want to be lied to.

Nate Dawg said...

This is why I appreciate Kermit, Rosemary & Wayne, they don't lie to us. Cant wait for all of us to "discuss" this at our next captains meeting.

Geoff said...

The only reason I joined kickball so many years ago was the hope that the field would one day get loose. Maybe I picked the wrong sport, possibly I did lose the opportunity to luge, loosely speaking.

And just remember, if we drink boze we might loose the fields

J.W. said...

Tight fields for everyone!

E-FLO said...

Boxed Wine anyone???

RÜBS said...

come check out the beverage policy at the Kickball Society Grand Champions tournament on June 25th. Yes that is a tournament of the top teams from DIFFERENT nights. Something we have asked for in our division for seasons and KS did their first year out. The gates open a 6pm and game play starts at 7 pm. and i hear from a reliable source free keg beer will be provided for tournament teams and spectators can partake for $7. Come cheer on your mash up team of Nuts, Jammers, Balics and Ligers!!!

~Marla~ said...

I'm curious as to why this is being enforced now...

Seems like this could lead to kickballers getting more drunk and more DUIs. :(

SarahB said...

Kickball society it is LOL thats ghey