Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You Better Move Your Ass!

Does anybody else think this 1 week time limit to register returning players is a little ridiculous? The season is two months away, but WAKA is only allowing returning customers a week to sign up before spots are open to the public and they can place random players on your team. Not everyone is able to sign up the exact moment registration opens and with no previous warning about this 1 week limit, it forces people to scramble.
I understand WAKA is a business, but this doesn't show much concern for customer loyalty. Our division is always full, and a huge reason for that is the number of players who return for multiple seasons. Now, it seems, WAKA has little concern about the people who made this a successful division. Would an email during the off season warning returning players about the 1 week window have been that difficult to pull off?


Maria said...

Agreed, and what is this $72 getting me different from last season? Just saying. And Hatin'.

Nate Dawg said...

I thought the same thing Souder...was wondering if anyone would post about it. Its completely ridiculous...

J.W. said...

Fewer games, higher cost, more rules. WAKA's going to wrong way lately. I doubt it's Jaime's fault, but hopefully she can do some things to assuage the situation. I don't want to lose good teams because of stuff like this because OFF CONSTANTLY'S ABOUT TO STOMP THAT ASS.

Kenny Powers! You and me at Mons Venus, baby!

Florian said...

Yeah, you would think with two less games (even thought they weren't "official") the price would go down. We are renting the fields for less time or am I missing something.

Nate Dawg said...

Flo I am sure it is a set price set by WAKA for every league. I would assume that our budget would go up b/c our field cost should go down.

RÜBS said...

"WAKA has little concern about the people who made this a successful division." - you could have not stated it more perfectly souder D. a one week time limit is efing ridiculous and a cock slap everyone the is a returning player to the league. not only are you charged with being replaced if you dont turn it over in a week but you will be charged with randoms if your scrambling isnt complete in said time. no loyalty what so ever when that is the essence of a returning player. only loyalty ti filled spots regardless of you and the countless fund raising and year round advertising you do for WAKA and its affiliates. fat cats, thy name is WAKA.

Florian said...

I was thinking that as well Nate but I looked around and found a WAKA league that only charged $65 a season. Can't remember where it was but think somewhere in the panhandle.

Lets hope your assumption is correct about our budget.

Griff said...

crap...crap...crap...all of it..

$72 maybe includes parking this season??

~Marla~ said...

I agree with you all. Apparently it's a business, and they don’t care about the veteran players who made the league what it is today. Hopefully all of the returning players who want to play will sign up in time.
And an increase in price for fewer games... :(