Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July - 2010

Here's the video from Chuckers' 4th of July party last night.  I'd stress not to try this at home, but most of the people visiting this blog were either at the party or dumb enough to repeat the events.  Basically, you all are a lost cause.  Thanks again to Chuckers for allowing us to get shit-faced and blow up his dock.  Enjoy.


Geoff said...

This is a great video; sorry I missed it!

Smithkey said...

I cant believe there were no fatalities

Alison said...

Excellent fireworks display (of stupidity!). Fun times!

Smithkey: agreed. Or at minimum some burned appendages or loss of limbs.

Nate Dawg said...

I also cant believe there were no significant injuries. I know a few people have some burn marks including myself but I dont think anything too bad...great times though.

Maria said...

I miss DPT videos, we need more of them. Glad none of you guys killed yourselves. Gees.

Chuckers said...

Great video, I blacked out sometime after I got burned myself. Let's do this again soon!