Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kickball - Fall 2010

Looks like the registration is closed. That didn't take long!
Here are the teams:

Balls N Dolls
Dollar Wells
I Need a Refill
I'd Kick That
Off Constantly
Pick Me Up
Team Fabulous
THEE Beer Nuts
ToeJammers aka Soul Glo
Your Mom's new team

If you want to see who's on your team, log into your WAKA profile.
Countdown is on to the first game! 49 days to go...


Chris said...

Yeah, only took a little over a week...

Nate Dawg said...

Chan...I think we need to look into what we previously discussed about the PAL fields...Im completely fed up with WAKA and all of their bullshit.

Chandler said...

Nate... alright, I'll set it up. The Ligers got a bunch randoms, despite asking for two spots saved for RETURNING players who weren't able to pay until the 15th.

So... go figure that one out.

Laura said...

Chan we did too from the looks of it.

Nate Dawg said...

Yea we got 5 randoms put on our team. Jaime should probably get some bodyguards for the captains meeting in

Chandler said...

Hey Nate... do you get the captains emails? I was wondering if you were going to "allow" Crystal and James to sign up. Hahaha

Nate Dawg said...

LOL yea I am allowing looks like we got 5 of the old Playground Bullies added to our team...look out WAKA TBN might be good this season lol.

Chandler said...

so you're going to lose in the last inning and then roid rage about it?

Nate Dawg said...

LOL!!! We dont have Thunder so were good...