Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Soccer THIS Saturday

Hey guys I'm putting together a pick-up soccer game and all DPT viewers/contributors/fans/lurkers are welcome to join. Lets get another 11 v 11 game going like we did last time:

When: July 17th

Where: Monroe Middle School
4716 West Montgomery Avenue
Tampa, FL 33616-1042

When: 1pm

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Can this please be added to the DPT calendar? Thanks guys!


J.W. said...

How long do yall's games typically last? I'm hilariously bad at soccer, but if ya'll don't mind putting up with that I'd like to try to play for a bit. Gotta shape up a bit for the upcoming kickball season.

Chandler said...

probably 2-2.5 hours depending on the heat and level of play