The WAKA Fall 2010 Schedule is up... located on the right of this blog (or on the shitty WAKA site). Yep. Just like that. Seven of the eight games are scheduled so I'm not sure if week eight will be grouped by record like last year.
Anyway... no Beer Olympics this season. Good thing, since we can't take coolers to the field anyway.
BOOO!! No beer olymipcs and we play toe jammers and balls n dolls. Great.
So, what's the deal with Kickball Society?
So we get no say in this huh? Guess we aren't doing divisions this year. Did last seasons Prez (Brie) make the schedule, as they have done in the past, or was it the new rep? I'm loving playing for WAKA more and more everyday...and the new rep is turning into a real winner.
Think I figured out why there is no week 8 schedule up yet. All that was done was to split the 16 teams into 2 groups of 8. Then those 8 teams play each other. TJ, Ballics, Ligers, BcBc, IKT, and the rest of the group of eight play the exact same teams only in different weeks.
I nominate Flo for Captain of the Obvious.
We at OC don't have any official rivalries as we're equal opportunity haters, but we are disappointed in the lack of Beer Olympics. Hopefully the week 8 game will be decided at the captains meeting.
Not sure why Jaime would post the schedule so soon, but Off Constantly is very pleased that the playoffs occur on Florida's bye week. Only that or an away game (not georgia) are officially acceptable for the OC.
I doubt this schedule is set in stone, and if the captains are as unruly as I expect it would be changed promptly. It's modern America: whine enough and you'll get your way (not that changing the schedule to how we'd like it is similar to the many travesties whiners with which whiners have befallen us).
Here's to no rainouts.
Great schedule so far. Wonder how the teams were broken up into groups without any input. No complaints thought, looks like the Shocker Boosters beer contribution to certain high ranking Waka Officials paid off.
Great point Jack about Playoffs being on the Gator Bye Week.
you can do like the Hong Kong Tour guides and lock everyone in a room until they buy something... oops.. we already did by paying $72 a person with no way of having fun except launching a ball at someone's head... oops.. did I say their head... I meant below the shoulders.. *ehh* well we will see how the season goes.. is there even going to be one in Florida during the so called "winter" season... Wow.. and I was trying to be nice today...
It happens, Trini. DPT actually got their FIRST EVER "Cease and Desist" letter a month ago or so, over some copyrighted graphics YellowBird used in a Red Rocket Report. So we had to pull that stuff down off the blog.
It appears some other social court orders were violated... but action was swift. No need to get the authorities involved.
Much like that green team we play the first week, nobody cares about censorship.
Of course... you could always trace DPT's first "Cease and Desist" order to the time Cathy mentioned she would do unspeakable things to YellowBird's balls if he didn't remove a link to Urban Dictionary's definition of the Dirty Tebow. YellowBird stood his ground for free speech, but the assholes of DPT removed it per her wishes.
Hello from your apparently infamous New rep.... Yes, I read this blog, Yes.. I have played in your division before.. Yes, I actually know a lot of you...
For those of you defend me by explaining that, NO IT IS NOT MY FAULT that all of these shitty changes have taken place... Thank-you.. For the rest of you... ITS KICKBALL!!! Nothing is set in stone.. Relax!!!!!! I am told.. "Create a schedule by the end of the week and have Ty double check it".. SOOOO I create a schedule and have Ty double check it... Done... NOTHING is finalized until the season starts.. I am planning on sending an e-mail later to ask the Captains for their input. As for the 8th game.. You notice it is blank because I want to get input from you to either do the head to head 1st vs 1st or Beer Olympics etc.... I am told it has to be 1st team in one conference vs 1st in the other etc... If you Hate that we can discuss...
And do you think that I like to pay 72 bucks??? Hell no.. but WAKA had to up their prices..Nothing we can do about that.. So, I negotiated with the PAL Guys and PARKING IS FREE!!!! SO QUIT BITCHING!!!! You are saving money now.. AND we still get free beer and food at our parties, and raise money for charity.. Consider it a tax deduction!!
Guess what.. I ALSO got it so that Coolers are indeed allowed on the filed, they just can't have any beer/glass/liquor labeled items in them. They can only contain non-alcoholic labeled drink packaging, flasks, bubba kegs, camel backs.... etc.... If there is one infraction, bye bye coolers :( SO JUST DON'T SCREW IT UP!!!!! :)
SO shove the bubbas in ice and bring them out... It will help me keep my "Wine in a can" cool.
So please stop threatening me ( you know who you are).. I am actually a cool chick who loves kickball and wants to have a good time all season... I don't make these rules, but I am fighting them FOR YOU!!!!!
Thank-you.. That is all for now.. Have a great day!
Jamie... you really need actual posting rights. I'll send that over to you. Excellent first comment though. Needs a few more !'s though.
Nice job, Jaime!!
Thanks on the free parking and cooler situations!
Hopefully her comments don't get "censored" like mine do.
BTW - Thanks Chris, way to start the season out on a friendly note.
Pretty good post!!!!! Next time try to poke fun at a few of your attackers a little!!! Personal attacks are fun!!! Also try to threaten someone with a donkey punch now and then!!!!
You can't be friends with everyone...
Now I see the reason behind the early registration and scheduling, more time for preseason hate. Welcome Jamie to DPT and good job on your first post. I agree with Chandler and Rollo though that you need a few more exclamation marks and a personal attack or two. Those are always fun to read during the day.
Jaime I agree with most of your comments except for us raising money for charity...this is not our tax deduction this is a tax deduction for WAKA that why we send the money to them and they cut a check to the charity...PS if you dont want to see bitching dont read the blog because that is what it is for lol. I dont think I have threatened you but if I have I appoligize and it was not my intention. My only intention is to threathen WAKA...
Well... The beer and food at the party isn't quite "free.". It costs $72
Looks as if Jaime covered the main points that had been brought up.
Jaime definitely loves some kickball. The OC firmly endorses her as a former teammate. More calls for us! (!!!!!!)
Also, trini, I think the lack of international soccer at the moment is making you crazy. SOCCER!
Free parking = good.
Getting my $72 worth of bitching in this season...
I never really minded paying for parking cause I knew the money was going right to PAL, not WAKA.
Okay, first off how many times have my balls gotten some love on this blog without my knowledge? Hopefully not too much since I've been pretty much missing in action lately.
Secondly, so we can't have any alcoholic containers at the field? That's how I'm reading this so called coolers are okay stuff so far.
Thirdly, nobody should really care about UF's football schedule after Sept. 11th but I guess follow them if you want to. It's a free country... unless you post a link to the Dirty Tebow on DPT.
Fourthly, Rob will do ANYTHING to get the easiest schedule possible for the Shockers so I doubt it was any booster beer contribution. Probably something much more along the lines of blackmail or sexual favors.
Fifthly, flopping in soccer is pretty gay and the sport will never be revered like American football in the US because of it.
Cooler and beer problem solved. Just get some of those party balls and put in your cooler. Take it out of the bud light box and the balls is just brown. No labels at all. Small enough to fit in coolers and is couple cases of beer.
There's gonna be a lot of brown balls this season
Party Balls were "technically" banned already in the first attempt of: THE DUMBEST RULE EVER.
You know... the one where they banned kegs... which we illegally sold beer for $3 (all you can drink) per game... then turned around and DONATED all that money to charity... and there was zero trash after each game.
But, get those brown balls out there and see what "they" say.
Mmmm Liger Beer
And we didn't sell it Chan, cause as you pointed out that would be illegal, we took donations in exchange for beer...or was it we sold the cups and gave the beer away for free. Either way we raised a lot for PAL...I think it was just over $300 total.
Maybe they would allow kegs if we called it "WAKA beer" and sent the money to WAKA Corp and then WAKA turned around and wrote a check to PAL for the donation???
Kegs don't have labels on them, I say bring em!
Hmmmm the little guy has got a point!
Don't care, drink your liquor and be merry.
YAH Jamie... love that you have the balls to stand up to these freaks.. hehehe...
1. FOOTBALL is amazing Jack and I am going a little stir crazy.. no one cares about baseball.. i can't wait for college football to start.. and wait for it, wait for it.. One of the biggest upsets in college football when USF beats UF on Sept 11... whoot whoot.
2. Do we have the by week because of Vegas.. Yup, some of us are going..
3. Chan don't cover your ass with your CENSORSHIP spiel. You know what I was referring to..
Lastly.. My PINK Bubba Keg says HI!!!!
No... I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just following the court orders.
That's bye week sports fan!
Oh and have fun watching the game on TV cause I'm going to have a blast at the game. Let's see...kickoff is at 12:21 so the game should be over by 12:31. At which point there will be a traffic jam leaving Gainesville heading south on I-75. But remember at one point in the game, the Bulls were actually TIED with the Gators...kinda makes you feel all warm and toasty on the inside.
Trini, I am inpartial here since I do not root for either team but there is absolutely no way that USF beats UF this year. I would bet you all the money that I will make for the rest of my life that UF wins that game. Yes they beat FSU last year (still pissed about that) but if we had Ponder it wouldnt have been a game. Dont know that I will be at the game but hope to be in Gainesville at least doing some tailgating for it...
Bull... someone mentioned to me that we made out. is that true??? lol.. Where is my tix to the GAME dude... no fair that you get one and I don't... okay okay... @Nate.. what would you do if USF actually won.. hmmm.. My record in calling games has been pretty good so far.. You shouldn't bet against me... :)
Trini yes youhave been good in the basketball pool & soccer pool leagues. What do you have to show for it though? Free betting means nothing. I will bet you anything that UF wins that game...not scared
Not that I know of Trini but that's kinda hott! lol Oh and don't forget who beat you in the World Cup Bracket! ;)
Also if I would have done 3 world cup brackets I probably would have been in the top 3 too...
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