Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who are the newcomers?

Brown Chicken! Brown Cow!? I Need a Refill? Who are these teams? Are the just new reincarnations of Mooseknuckle and PGB's? What's up with the exclamation points? Do they think they're special?

Jack wants to know.


bull said...

Pretty sure they are teams from Tuesday night that want to step up to the big leagues.

Chandler said...

BCBC is the re-birth of Your Mom (sort of). So they're really a cluster-fuck of last season players with a few new additions.

Brooke said...

stop yelling!

Erika said...

They're the sexiest animals on the farm!

J.W. said...

Sexy farm animals? When was the league infiltrated by Auburn grads?

Dij said...

PGB didn't get enough players signed up in time so they were merged with Thee Beer Nuts.