Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rays vs Mariners group outing 9/25

Who: Us
What: Rays vs Mariners and most importantly TAILGATING!
When: Saturday September 25th 12 pm Tailgate / 7pm game
Where: Tropicana Field
Why: Because it's fun
For more information see the Facebook Event Page

Hey Yall,
I'm going to get the tickets on or around Thursday Sept 9th to assure that we are able to get group tickets in the TBT Party Deck before it sells out. So if you want to go start giving me your cash at kickball on Thursdays or there is a pay pal link to pay me that way. If you pay me through pay pal it's 16$ because the all mighty website has to collect their 65cents for the transaction. Sorry. It's like paying a dollar for parking, deal with it. Also if you guys have teammates or anyone that wants to go spread the word. Go Rays.

Brian Litman

Sledding Away From The British Since 1962

Today marks the 48th anniversary of Trinidad and Tobago gaining independence from England and becoming the Canada of the Caribbean. Since our very own Toboggan, Teneille, didn't mention it, I thought I'd do a little write up for you readers out there.

The actual story of their independence is pretty boring. No tea parties, no contrived Mel Gibson movies, and nary a musket or militia to be found. So, for the sake of entertainment, we'll try a little writing experiment. I'll start with a beginning to the DPT version of the story here and let the commenting faithful fill in the blanks. Hopefully this will leave us with a ridiculous story that will inspire Teneille to fall off the pacifist bandwagon.

Beginning in the early 1960's the British Empire was attempting to exploit its influence in the Caribbean by implementing a tax on all coconuts used and exported from Trinidad and Tobago. This tax angered the citizens of these islands because of the coconut's uses in everyday life. They were used as a food source, currency, and, most importantly, as a construction material in the production of sleds. Teneille's grandfather, Captain, formed the TLF (Toboggan Liberation Front) to oppose the British....


Teneille's Grandfather Captain Ooombla Ooomble Click Clack began working on his super secret plans and a way to sneak them around. After thinking long and hard Ooombla realized the answer was right on the top of his head!

Now that he had his plans stashed away he knew it was time to recruit some help. He first turned to his best friend Knowlton the hurting vagina to be his second in command.

He approached Knowltie and said...


Week 2 Vegas Odds and Introducing The New Beerline.

Week 2 Vegas odds have arrived. This week Vegas introduced a new type of line called the "Beerline" that makes it easier for people who do not understand all the numbers to bet on teams. For example if I bet Chandler on the Beerline and I took Thee Beer Nuts and he agreed to take the TJs, he would owe me 3 drinks if TBN won while I would only owe him 1 if the TJs won. Basic common sense.

Week 2 Power Rankings

I'm back-dating this so I don't cover-up Smithkey's odds (which are way more interesting this week than the Power Rankings).

Anyway... I was rummaging through the Bayshore dumpster looking for juicy gossip to report on, and came across a funny team email thread. In it, a Bayshore player wrote the following paragraph:

"I also doubt that the "powers that be" really care about our blog.  That's like a parent telling their children, "Hey little ones, Santa called and said if you don't eat your vegetables, you aren't getting that Tickle Me Elmo."  Really?  Like the big guy in the red fat suit who breaks into houses stealing milk and cookies once a year really cares about me finishing my brussel sprouts?"

The imagery made me LOLz... so props to that person.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Field Set-Up Committee

Hey kids.  As captains and DPT faithful have now heard... there are two 7pm teams each week that are required to arrive early for field set-up.  This rule is apparently consistent with what other leagues do in WAKA.  However, we all know how much we hate being like other leagues.

In the past, we had a Field Sheriff who was responsible for field set-up. We'd always just chant: NATE NATE NATE!! at the Captains Meeting until Nate L. agreed to do the job (usually by saying: "fuck you guys").

While we don't have elected officials anymore (I think this is a good thing, unless you miss the crying), this now leaves a void for field set-up help.

Does ANYONE out there want to volunteer to join a set-up committee? Kyle did the job last year I think, and Tony has done it before.  If counting 20-paces is your thing, it would probably go a long way to keep consistency in the fields.  I shudder at the thought of some of the teams being in charge of this task...


So last Thursday ABC Action News (whatever that is) did a nice little story on us. The video is pretty good, and you will see a bunch of familiar faces. I hope the "powers that be" don't see this! I would hate to get a PF in kickball! At this rate the Ligers will never get to .500

Kickball: It's not just for kids any more!

For those of you that are not captains...

Hello Captains!

Had fun the first game, and at MacD's and for the few of you.. Gator Rompin. Some questions that were brought up... Coolers... The powers that be have found out about the cooler theme (they read the blog) and they are debating giving your teams a PF. I believe I talked them out of it, knowing that YOU WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN :)

Field Set up... If you notice on the schedule, each team will now be responsible for setting up the fields prior to each game. If you see FS next to your team name, you will be setting up the fields before the 7pm game start. The 8pm games once complete will just pick -up the equipment and drop it off in the wagon provided. I will be there at 630 with the equipment on the fields. It is up to you as captains if you want to pre-designate a few people or have the whole team help. The field set up diagrams are on the website in the rules. ( I suggest home plates being closest to the "Parking Lots") 6 inning issue.

If your team finish the 5th inning before the required 1 Hour stop time, you can continue on the the 6th inning. HOWEVER, if you do not finish the 6th inning in the alloted 1 hour time frame, the game concludes and you go back to the 5th inning score.

Double t-shirts. If anyone on your team ordered 2 t-shirts and paid for them, but only received one, please get me the kickball usernames of those folks. No one should have been able to order more than 2.

Lost t-shirts... If anyone picked up extra t-shirts, please bring them to the game on Thursday. Well.. That it is for now... See you all on Thursday!


The comments on the cooler theme game and field setup are pretty ridiculous to me but thats just WAKA being WAKA...thoughts???

Leif Nissen Memorial Golf Tournament - 2010 Recap

Well... it looked like we were going to get lucky with excellent weather during the first half of the tournament.  Most teams got into their back 9's before the skies opened up and we eventually had to cut the golf short due to lightning, flooding and other acts of God. Despite all that, 62 friends and family members attended the 3rd annual tournament, to celebrate the life of a dear friend and give back to our community in his name.

I couldn't be happier with the turnout and support from our group and we raised $1,373 for the Leif & Christine Emergency Scholarship Fund!  Between this tournament, WAKA, Crystal's New Years party and various fundraisers throughout the year, we truly have one of the most generous social networks in Tampa Bay.  Leif would be very honored to see all of us carry on his charitable ambitions in the community which he loved so much.

Some final HUGE thank yous are in order:
  • Alison spent countless hours soliciting all of our prizes and setting up the booths throughout the clubhouse. Everything looked awesome and the event went extremely smooth thanks to her efforts (especially with the rain staggering our finishing times a bit).
  • Geoff did an awesome job designing the logo... which hopefully helped him get a break from wedding planning.
  • Dawn made us signs, decals and an amazing banner using Geoff's design.  It totally made us appear to be professionals at this whole charity thing.  Thanks so much, Dawn!
  • Rollo donated what is possibly the best trophy ever... which went to Jared and his team for finishing last place.
  • And a final thanks to everyone who helped set up, sell raffle tickets, hand out beers and take pictures: Bull, Maria, Mel, Brie, April (short), Teneille, Vermille, Angie and Steph.  Thanks so much and I hope you all enjoyed the day with us!
As for the results... "Golf Constantly" took home the top prize, while Gomez continued to dominate winning Closest to Pin and Long Drive.

Next year we'll probably push the event back in order to lessen the chance of rain.  Until then, thanks to all who made the day memorable.  If you missed out this year, don't let it happen again!

Cooler Theme

I think Souder might post up a proper recap (or maybe an Alcoballic not named Teneille).  But here's a quick video I compiled of our Cooler Game.  Notes of interest:
  • After the chug-off, the Ligers and 'Ballics ran to their cars and pulled out a bunch of coolers to litter the field.
  • The Dead Hooker Cooler (DHC) was placed between 3rd and home.  Runners were supposed to hop over it before scoring... but you'll clearly see Jared did NOT follow this rule.
  • Souder made a crazy catch on top of / around a cooler in right field (not in video).
  • Nate K.... awesome.
  • The sequence at 2:13 was as follows:
    • Liger Cub Katrin lays down a nice bunt with Jared on 3rd.
    • E-Flo fakes the throw to first to keep Jared from scoring, and then tosses the ball to the pitcher (Gorecki).
    • Katrin totally busts ass for no reason, falling ten feet short of first base.
    • Gorecki has a "senior moment" and decides to throw her out... but the ball sails wide and Jared scores anyway.
    • Maria, who is safe at 2nd base, watches the whole thing and refuses to advance to 3rd... probably because 3rd base can lead to STD's whereas 2nd is typically some nice groping action.
Thanks to all those who participated. We definitely shared a few chuckles last night.  Li-ger-ball-ics 1.. 2... 3.. coolers?

**UPDATE** I dicked around with the code until I forced blogger to play the video in a non-QuickTime format.  That should fix the issue for those of you who couldn't load it due to QT not being updated.

Friday, August 27, 2010

$4 Movie Ticket on Fandango.com ($12 Value) from Groupon

$4 movie ticket if anyone's interested...limit one, but not a bad deal...
linky linky

You get a single-use code that is good until Feb 2011.

When you decide you want to go see a movie, you go to Fandango.com, select the time and movie you want to see at your local theater, then apply the promotion code. You'll then get a ticket you can print and use for the designated day/time only.

Jimmy Carter fly's to the PAL fields, Saves Kickball

My brain is not working today. Kickball is back. Let's bring back the Friday Time waste.

Topics to discuss:

Soul Glo loses.

BnD loses.

There were coolers, COOLERS@!!!!@@!#%@, on the fields last night.

Chandler is awesome at flip cup and Munting.

The Balls and Strikes rule stinks.

I am hungover.

That Boob Apron video is ancient.



Thursday, August 26, 2010

From the same people who brought you the "What the F? Blanket"...now comes the Boob Apron.


The 2010 Hater’s Guide To The Top 25

This inspired me on how to write my picks each week.. it's pure genius and quite entertaining. So enjoy and feel free to add comments to include those unranked teams *cough* USF.

The 2010 Hater's Guide To The Top 25

Week 1 Picks


Vegas odds? WAKA Gameday? Power Rankings?

It sounds like kickball season... and our excessive gambling habits must be satisfied. So here are the picks for week one. Same format as previous seasons:
  • The person (or persons) with the most incorrect picks, buys one (1) drink for EVERY person who has the most correct picks.
  • You can't bet on teams to tie.
  • It's ultimately the winners responsibility to collect drinks. If a winner doesn't show up to the bar a couple of weeks in a row... that's pretty much their loss if the loser is actively attempting to pay their debt.
  • Historically, losers have owed between 1 and 7 drinks on any given week. Thankfully, they sell $1 Miller Lites at the bar.
So there you have it. Almost everyone is eligible to play, so hit that Nom button and get your picks in!

Fall 2010 Captains Meeting

It took me far too long and a bottle of wine to get this damn video uploaded.  Long story short... minoHD Flip camera, QuickTime and Windows Movie Maker all blow ass. I'm beyond annoyed but I have a nice buzz... so... Svedka!

I left out most of the bullshit from this 28 minute meeting.  That includes comments about:
  • Random roster checks for illegal immigrants players.
  • Players must wear their WAKA shirts during games.
  • Suggesting we have a pub crawl for our mid-season party (7th worst idea of all time).
Some highlights on this video:
  • The first part talks about insurance costs being the reason for the "cooler rule."
  • MMMBop says they "worked it out" so we don't have to pay for parking this season.  But Jaime already admitted to us that the parking fees came from our party budget. So, technically, we still do pay for parking.
  • Silky Johnson will be pleased to hear Kegger say at 4:23 - "Our coolers can't even get close to the fields."  O RLY?!?!?
  • At 7:33, you can hear the "explanation" as to why we don't play 10 games.  It's a doozy!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I was out of Town last week and missed the Captain's meeting. Can someone explain to me why we are blatantly disobeying some of WAKA's Rules?

For example: (emphasis added)

Rule 1.03: "All participants must respect and obey all rules and regulations pertainig to the field used for games. Alcohol is prohibited on the field unless expressly permitted by field regulations. In addition, various park permits may have stipulations that participants must abide by to plat ay those facilities. Participants breaking field rulesmust be ejected from the game and will be considered by the division's board of directors for disciplinary action including expulsion from the division. The league coordinator has a final say in all judgement."


Rule 7.01: "Regulation games last five (5) full innings."

I can understand the no visual booze policy... that is as much as PAL as it is WAKA, and let's face it, a 50 pack of cups runs less than $7!!!!

But to say that our league can't have coolers on the field, or that our games must be 6 innings now is crap. What if my cooler is just full of ice and water? Is that illegal?

What is a cooler?

Is this one? Technically I could bring one of these bad boys full of 20 Litres of booze and say... hey its a book bag, not a cooler...

Is this a cooler? In my mind it's a water dispenser... not a cooler. I have one of these. I will be bringing it to the fields tomorrow.

If it's not one of these? am I breaking any rules?

I HATE Coolers!

What's up retards?  Hopefully the dumbasses at DPT won't censor my post. I'll try to make this quick because your mom is already whimpering at me to take her for a walk.

First off... where is the damn video of the captains meeting?  We were promised footage, and you all are more concerned with Vegas odds and picking games.  Put me down for everyone tying 0-0 because you all suck.  But back on topic... I couldn't make the meeting so I only know what Maria told me during our pillow-talk session. Apparently we can't bring coolers to the field, and must leave them in the parking lot.  Some WAKA frat boy was asked if his Orlando league had the same rules... to which he responded something like "yes, and you guys have it easier because our parking lot is further away."

Oh really?  Well let's just take a little look-see at the FL Central Division... where teams battle it out in the "Kegger Cup" (not making this shit up). You'll find a link to these pictures, which document league activity throughout the years.  Surely if we glance at their recent summer season (May - July) we won't see any violations.  Kegger is the league rep, after all.

Odd... the parking lot is shaped like a softball field.
It's not a cooler... it's a seat.
Kegger is too focused on watching this munt to notice the coolers.
Bayshore Division's own: Josh H... now living in cooler country (aka: Orlando).
"Right after I score this run, I'll take the long walk to my beer."
That pitch looks a bit bouncy. HOLY SHIT THERE ARE COOLERS!
Tag her in the pooper!
Thumbs up for non-concealed alcohol.
Natty Light and clear cups. This is what kickball is all about.

There are a ton of other examples you can find yourself.  Be sure to look back as their fall season progresses (beginning September 30th).  Enjoy your soon-to-be-rained-out kickball day tomorrow.

Alcoballics represent on the iphone!

I was scanning the few kickball apps in the app store and I came across "Kickball Cards" and what do I see on the first screenshot? Could it be the world famous, Las Vegas-traveling, Crystal Pitcher and Tournament winning Alcoballics? Our reach is far and wide accross this great land! We're like the Bloods we may not all be in the bayshore division, but we all know how to "win at the bar".

Thanks Deacy for rocking center field and keeping the great Alcoballics name alive!

Click here to check it out!

3rd Annual Leif Nissen Memorial Golf Tournament

Image by Geoff
Tournament weekend is upon us.  Yes, the course is going to be quite wet, so hit them straight. We'll more than likely be playing cart-path only rules.

As for prizes:  Alison single-handedly solicited $3,000 in donations from various local businesses.  So we'll be giving out prizes to pre-determined flighted groups, as well as long drive and closest to pin competitions. We'll also have an extensive list of things for raffle which include: golf clubs, gift cards (Beefs, Rock N Sports, Hooters, Buca, World of Beer), dinner cruises, wine tasting parties, 4-some golf rounds at Westchase and Myrtle Beach National (S. Carolina).

Needless to say, we have a TON of stuff.  Bring lots of money for raffle tickets ($1 a ticket, $20 for a wingspan).  I hear Brie/April/Angie are making jello-shots for sale as well.  If you AREN'T golfing but want to come hang out, please do so.  I'm not sure how limited we'll be with getting extra carts to take out on the course... but you can always get drunk in the clubhouse.

See you all Sunday.

**You can now pay using the "BUY NOW" button (also on the side of the blog).  Select if you're paying for yourself, or your team.  Small internets transaction fee applies.**

Entry Fees

I think I re-name this event every year... but whatever.  It's back on, and we're returning to the Eagles to play the Forest Course.

Location: The Eagles Golf Club
Date: Sunday, August 29th
Time: 12:30pm check-in.  Don't be late.
Format: 4-man scramble
Cost: $140 per team ($35 per person)

  • The roster will be listed here on the blog.  So let me know who is playing on which teams, and keep that list accurate.
  • There WILL be prizes. Bring a lot of money for raffle tickets.
  • We got in trouble for selling jello shots last year.  Expect us to attempt this again, so bring cash.
  • Don't crash the golf carts (Bito).
  • If you bring your own booze, be discrete about it (all DPT readers).
Let me know if you have any questions. I'll update this throughout the next couple of months.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stupid Work Fun

Everyone occasionally gets texts from numbers that they are not familiar with and that are probably sent to the wrong number. Usually I just ignore these but today for some reason I decided to see where it went and thought I would share. Her name ended up being Donna from New Jersey. If Bfg is really Bonefish Grill I don't know. Maybe its not funny to others but I was laughing.

Donna: I have a concoction for you! Its easy to make if you like it
Me: What kind of concoction is it?
Donna: Figs, ginger, lemon, splenda, cooked lightly :-D
Me: What is this concoction used for?
Donna: We had it as dessert, plain. Would be great warm over ice cream or cake. I have some here
Me: Can I have some?
Donna: Of course, i brought it for you
Me: Where can I come to get it?
Donna: Bfg
Me: I can't make it there today. Can we meet at the park?
Donna: What Park?
Me: The one downtown with the nice fountians. Can't remember the name.
Donna: Im not familiar with this area, i know the one with the trout lake :-D
Donna: I live in clementon. I can leave it for you if thats easier
Me: BTW, who is this? I don't have this number in my phone.
Donna: Its donna, from bfg
Me: Sorry, I don't know a Donna from bonefish grill. You must have the wrong number.
Donna: So sorry to bother you!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gator Rompin THIS Saturday 8/28

So here is a sneak peak to this year's t-shirt that we'll be handing out at Gator Rompin'!

This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year so you are actually helping out a charity by drinking! Registration is at MacDintons starting at 5pm and your $20 registration fee gets you this shirt and food n drink specials at the following:
SOHO Tavern
The Deck
The Rack
Pita Pit

And also be sure to buy some raffle tickets as we have over $750 in gift certificates and football tickets to USF and LSU.

We had over 500 people show up to this event last year and want it to be even bigger this year!

Purchase your ticket early by going to the Tampa Gator Clubs website and you get a free beer at MacDintons for doing so!

Hope to see you there and Go Gators!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 1 Vegas Odds

The Vegas odds for week 1 of the WAKA Bayshore division went online today. I do not think DPT will support active player wagering since the 1920 Black Sox scandal, but prop bets are highly encouraged among players.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Captains Meeting Recap

We got video of the captains meeting, so I'll post clips of the new rules as well as some commentary later. Not going to do it from the golf course today. But basically:

No coolers allowed on the fields.

Mandatory balls and strikes.

The league voted to outlaw munting (like we always do).

Missy whistled twice.

Games are 6 innings OR 1 hour, whichever comes first.

MLoop and his fraternity brother told Paige that they NEVER said she was the cause for any rule changes. Which then implies that Jaime made it up... and I know that's not true.

We play 8 games instead of 10 out of concern for lightning.  Or something like that.  Gotta check the tape.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ESPN's WAKA Gameday - Season Preview Show

Fowler - Back without much of a bang and certainly with a whimper from those suffering from kickball relapse, the Bayshore Division's return is finally upon us.
Announcer - Welcome to Waka Gameday, pouring drinks by MacDinton's
Fowler - Welcome Kickball fans to our WAKA Gameday Season Preview Show for the Bayshore division. After thinking that last season was a tough season to predict, this season it becomes even tougher. There are so many quality sides this season that it is really hard to predict who will finish where this season. It is shaping up to be a very interesting season and should be really fun to follow. Will the middle-tier teams be in a position to strike against the prudence of the big boys?
Herbstreit - All the talk the past couple of weeks was about a so called Bayshore Super Conference. Left adrift amid the chaos of conference realignment after the initial schedule, with the combination of furious 11th-hour television negotiations by the league commissioner, and conference representatives. It was Balls N Dolls’ demanding too much from the elite Conference A, that has saved Conference B from oblivion.
Desmond - That's right Kirk. Although it appeared that Balls N Dolls was leading a charge of four teams from the initial conference alignment jumping ship, Chandler Brown a representative with direct knowledge of the talks told me several weeks ago that Balls N Dolls 11th-hour demands to Conference A broke down the talks. They asked for an “extra sweetener”, to halt Balls N Dolls bashing on the Bayshore Blog. Chandler Brown told me, "It was Unacceptable" so the talks broke down.
Corso - Not so fast my friends! The major talk this offseason was the increase in WAKA price, no booze and the reduction in games. That flat out highway robbery. Let these kids play more games if you increase the price. All WAKA leagues should play a 12 game schedule for the $72 fee. WAKA can call my good friend William Shatner to help them negotiate lower costs of T-shirts to add in an extra game. WAKA should be expanding on the game schedule. This is almost as screwed up as the BCS system. Obama is a kickball fan, isn't he? Can congress intervene also? What is kickball without Booze? It's not fun. Let the kids drink!!!

Fowler - Since we only have an hour show fellas and we can go on for hours about this, let's move on to some previews.
Herbstreit - Yeagabombds were very disappointing last season. After an excellent season in 2009, where they finished near the top, last season was an utter disaster. There were many problems both offensively and defensively. Many feel after last season’s disappointing finish, the Yeagabombs are no longer contenders. For me, everything depends on whether their names can gel or not as they did in seasons past. They still have something prove and don't write them off in a though division with a still feared high power offense.
Desmond - This is the year the Alcoballics has to redeem themselves. The Ballics had a season way below expectations last year, after qualifying for Vegas the prior season. Alcoballics threw games away and threw away results. They struggled early. After the spring break week they started to pick things up and climb the rankings. They will be missing Geoff this season, a key defender and speedster. They now find themselves weeks away from that Vegas trip and I think this season will be like a Spring Training for them. They'll try new things to see what works. They may win some games along the way, but they won't risk injuries.
Corso - The Ligers look to confirm themselves as a good mid-rank team and get rid of the yo-yo club reputation they have had to carry for years. The squad has been revamped with new players but relies on experienced players to get the job done The consensus is they will be involved near the bottom of the standings once more with the toughest strength of schedule. About the only bright spot being one of the bottom teams in the Elite Conference. But the experience of players gives the Ligers a solid base to work with. Only time will tell if they can keep their head above water this season with so many L's on the horizon. I think they will surprise some people with a couple of upsets during the year.
Herbstreit - There’s lots of enthusiasm around the Shockers club this season. The Shockers arguably had the best free agent market of any team, strengthening their squad in all areas. They lost one of their best players but The Big 3 acquisitions are as good or if not better then and are ready to compete. Of course it always helps when you have a transfer genius like Robert Muto working for you. To sum it up, Shockers did an excellent job this summer and if they fire on all cylinders there is no reason why they shouldn’t challenge for the top spot and winning the tournament.
Desmond - Of course the biggest story of the summer for the ToeJammers has been the age and health of their players. There's a chance they will be without 1st Team All Waka Rueben and recently have injury concerns with Griff. Those would be 2 big loses but it's nothing they haven't been through before. If the Jammers can put it all together and get everyone to play as a team, they will be very difficult to stop and have a great chance of winning the league but for some reason this squad being the oldest in the league and with health issues doesn’t convince me.
Corso - Balls n Dolls come off of a campaign where they fell short of winning the league. Their main problem last season was dropping too many points to small teams. If you want to win the league those are games you have to win. Balls N Dolls play the best defense and they improved that defense with a last minute acquisition. There is no reason they shouldn't enter the tournament undefeated.
Herbstreit - Thee Beer Nuts are another team that will look to redeem themselves this year. Thee Beer Nuts had a team last year that was capable enough to win some games but performed way below expectations, finishing near the bottom and failing for the 2nd straight year to party at Thee Dollhouse with me. But rumors are swirling Thee Beer Nuts will finally make Thee Doll House with some surprise players that ended up on their roster. I think they finally have what it takes to challenge for a top spot.
Desmond - Superbad have put together a squad that can handle multiple game scenarios. I think they are the most complete team in this league. Last season Superbad returned with large expectations and lived up to them during the season but had issues in the tournament. The PAL Fields was packed for every home game and Superbad didn’t disappoint. They will use those tournament issues and will be even more fired up, in order to prove themselves as top dog.
Corso - WakaShame were a really fun team to watch last year. They provided exciting attacking play but with good defensive coverage as well. Shame surprised everyone with their finish and look for them to improve on that this season. The schedule Gods were nice to them. Will I be sporting a bump-it mascot on my head this year?
Herbstreit - What can we say about Pick Me Up. They quite simply performed a miracle last season. After looking all set for another mediocre campaign, Ben was called in to take charge and led the squad with key performances to a magical salvation. However their manager is known to be a little on the crazy side and did not renew Ben's contract this summer. They will now look towards their experienced players to pull off another salvation in one of the easiest conferences in all of WAKA.
Desmond - Dollar Wells comes off a very positive year. They had one of the best leadoff hitters in the game along with an excellent up and coming manager. But we’ll have to see, the squad is there and Dollar Wells should put in a good season.
Corso - Off Constantly side looks to have a good season after narrowly avoiding being the worst team last season. However they seem to be very focused and look to build upon the impressive season they had in the Guava Summer league. I'll give myself a big NOT SO FAST!!! They now step into the Bayshore Division with the big boys and will return to a good mid-standings side instead of fighting for top spot. But a double NOT SO FAST!!! As they are in a cupcake division and could go 6-1 or 5-2 real easy.
Herbstreit - I’d kick that haven’t really done much to reinforce the squad in the offseason. The Flo-based side have cemented themselves as an outfit for bottom-table another year in the worst team dogfight
Desmond - I Need A Refill, You can say it’s the beginning of a new era for them after a mediocre performance in the summer league. But they retooled their team and they could be ready to make a surprising first year run for the top of Bayshore.

Fowler - And finally what are your predictions for the season. Who is Corso's first headgear of the season?
Herbstreit - I like Balls N Dolls to go undefeated and win the regular season, but I look for them to slip up in the tournament and lose to Superbad in the finals. I also look for Thee Beer Nuts to make it to Thee Dollhouse
Desmond - I agree with Kirk. Balls N Dolls should go undefeated in that cupcake conference. Come tournament time I can't look past Superbad who I think are the complete team, and Yeagabombs who regain their famous offensive explosions. Yeagabombs win the tournament in a record scoring 15-13 final.
Corso - Good picks with Balls N Dolls. I don't think they slip up like last year to the no-name teams in their conference. An Undefeated season for them is in the works. As for the tournament, two reasons for the selection: No 1 playing in the elite conference A will battle test this team with all kinds of situations; No. 2 They lost the finals the last time these 2 teams meet and they will use that fuel their fire and emotions. You gotta really focus when you play this team. Now give me my mascot head, it's a special BCS and WAKA Selection --- Gators over Boise State and Shockers beat Balls N Dolls. Go Shockers, Go Gators!

Fowler - Enjoy your kickball Thursday

Wednesday Rant

Hello friends. Today's Wednesday Rant comes to you on the eve of the Captains Meeting and Meet n' Greet.  I wanted to set the record straight on a couple of issues surrounding alcohol consumption at PAL and our very own Paige on the Ground.

By now you've seen the video of her frolicking through South Tampa, hugging cops and exuding her charm in a very humorous and inebriated way.  The video, to say the least, is fucking hysterical.  What's confusing is the 3 people who have told me in the past few days that our WAKA representatives are blaming this video for the over-sensitivity (and cooler rule changes) of alcohol at the PAL fields.

Huh? How are those two things related? Paige got drunk on shots at MacDinton's... not the PAL fields. Do people honestly think that excuse is valid?

Well... here's a direct quote from a WAKA email on 7/20/10:  "It was all due to that Chelsey Handler video issue.. Because the chick was wearing her WAKA shirt....... They are cracking down on the no alcohol on the field."

Ahh... so WAKA doesn't like that their shirt was worn by some drunk girl on national TV.  Obviously the league doesn't want to be associated with such debauchery.  But then why does their website offer shirts that say:
Hypocrisy. Currently on sale for $11.99.

In fact, they sell lots of merchandise with sexual innuendos and drinking/flip-cup references. 
Shiiiiiiit. Only when I'm Paiged.
Let's also not forget our signed PAL contract which states:  "Alcoholic beverages will be strictly governed by and the sole responsibility of the World Adult Kickball Association. PAL does not provide, support or condones alcohol consumption during athletic events."  This means only WAKA is dictating our alcohol policy.  If we're told this season we can not have coolers and/or alcohol... it's coming solely from WAKA.

Blaming the video is nothing more than a convenient, self-serving excuse to implement policy changes.  WAKA sells us their t-shirts, plasters a sponsor bar all over the back and suggests that we partake in drink specials and flip-cup.  Then they get their panties in a wad because someone is caught on camera drunk wearing their merchandise? I thought that was the point. You know... she slammed shots, probably flipped a cup or two, and then fell down in someone's yard near her house.

Paige has been in our league forever.  She's one of the best female players and always "brings the wicked shit" to any party.  As her friend and teammate, I'm outraged that she's been made the scapegoat for something totally beyond her control. And as a league of drunks, we should come together and stick up for one of our own.

(images taken from www.kickball.com - store)

Monday, August 16, 2010

For the Gingers!!!

Pre-season Power Rankings

Well... this Thursday is the Captains Meeting / Meet n' Greet. Since there is no longer elected positions, DPT has nobody to endorse for office. Thankfully, this should greatly reduce the number of tears shed at the meeting (although, anything is possible). I'd love to see a quick meeting that didn't require Missy whistling 7 times in order to get the room to shut up... but things like "the cooler policy," mandated balls and strikes, potentially legalizing munting and various other announcements will surely destroy that dream. Our new rep Jaime (like Jamie but not Jamie) will sadly not be able to attend. Instead we get her boss, MLoop, to answer all of our questions.

So if you still aren't excited, let me remind you that the meeting is "Wacky T-Shirt" themed. Not making this shit up.

On to the Pre-Season Power Rankings!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Soccer this Sunday @ Monroe...11am

Wayne Rooney "wrote his future" in World Cup 2010, now you can write yours:

Soccer this Sunday, August 15th, @ 11am.

Monroe Middle School
4716 West Montgomery Avenue
Tampa, FL 33616-1042

View Larger Map

Bad Donald!

While visiting Epcot in Florida, a Pennsylvania woman alleges that a Disney employee dressed as Donald Duck grabbed her breast and molested her after she sought an autograph.

After the alleged groping, Donald Duck made gestures (apparently with his snowy white hands) “indicating he had done something wrong,” according to a lawsuit filed last month. The 27 year old woman was visiting Epcot with her children and fiancé in May 2008 when the incident reportedly occurred.

She is suing Disney for negligence, battery, and infliction of emotional distress, and is seeking in excess of $50,000 in damages. The entertainment giant has petitioned to have the lawsuit, which was filed in Pennsylvania’s Court of Common Pleas, transferred to federal court in Philadelphia.

According to her complaint, she has suffered “severe physical injury, emotional anguish and distress including, but not limited to post-traumatic stress disorder” as a result of the run-in with Donald Duck. She also contends that the incident was “one of a long line of continuing, long standing, similar prior incidents” involving the groping of patrons by costumed Disney employees.


This article can be found in its entirety here, courtesy of thesmokinggun.com. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I typically hate video posts, but...

This one is special. For those of you who thought this place was a strip joint, for those of you who thought it might be an aquarium/bar hybrid, for those of you who thought Kenny Rogers bought a bar on Gandy put his picture on the sign but for some reason called it "Dave's Aqua Lounge," but mostly for those of you who have experienced the place in all its glory, I give you...

"When you're in the mood... to hearing some good sounding tunes!"

An Open Letter to Teneille

Dear Tobago,

It has been a few weeks since I've had a chance to catch up on this blog, as I've been traveling the world discovering accents less intelligible than your own. It almost wasn't surprising to hear your adventures in sucking face upon my return, since it's obvious you're in a race against time before the Arizona Immigration Law spreads to Florida. I'll be sure to clear my calendar for your eloping reception at Seasons 52, and then welcome you to matrimony with a book on the history of US presidents (I hear the citizen test is a bitch).

Anyway, the purpose of THIS letter is to discuss the asinine comments you've made on the blog lately. It seems you are taking shots and spreading hate at the ToeJammers for not representing Bayshore in Las Vegas. Here's a sample:

"As for the game on the 7th.. Come one Jamiekins... I think someone on SoulGlo paid you off, cause that's the only way they think they can beat us... Since hmmm we are going to Vegas and they are not.... Kinda sad when you really think about it"

First of all, "Jamiekins" should have been "Jaimekins," since she's named after the famous migrant worker who founded Taco Bell in 1962. Just remember the jingle: "i before m, and don't bring any fucking coolers to the fields."

Secondly, what the Hell are you talking about? Let's do a little historical analysis:
  • The season "you" won the tournament, the Alcoballics finished in 4th place with a record of 6-2-1. That's pretty respectable, but the 1.78 runs scored per game average (13th in the league) was pathetic. Thankfully, "your" team had the best defense that season.
  • In the tournament, "you" were losing 7-1 to an inept Your Mom team, before scoring 7 runs to keep the dream alive. Clearly the 'Ballics didn't win this game, rather, Your Mom lost it.
  • If you're still wondering why "you" is in quotes... it's because you weren't even in this country when all this happened. Thus, you are merely riding the coattails of your current teams' accomplishments.
But wait... what about when you did finally return last season? After a slow start, "your" team mustered a 5-3 record and a semi-final loss in the tournament. Not bad... but you only played in the final two games. In fact, you weren't even a registered WAKA player (a favorite trick of the 'Ballics)! Your first illegal game back was a 6-4 beating by the Shockers on April 1st. And I fully expect Jack to request a nullification of the final game last season due to this roster atrocity. Somewhere, Reggie Bush is smiling at the prospect of "forfeited wins."

So as you sip on wine coolers in Vegas in October, try to reflect on how you helped the Alcoballics get there. Without you, they'd surely be lost.

And for everyone else in the league... over/under 3.5 wins with Teneille on their squad before Vegas happens? Depending on the make-up game with Soul Glo and rain-outs, 6 or 7 games should be in the books.

Hatefully yours,
Silky Johnson

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


You can thank me later

Sweet Deal on Groupon Today -

$18 for the Claw, snack and cart...Use before Nov 1st and after 10am...get a practice round in before the golf tourney...myself and a couple Beer Nuts bought some (you're not invited)...


Thanks Amber!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fishing Tourney!!!

Hi Everyone,

As my first real post to DPT, I thought I would make it a doosie! There is a group that I have been involved with for many years and they are putting on a FISHING TOURNAMENT! I know in our world of kickball that we know many people that love outdoorsie activities and getting together. So here are some details!

What: 1st Annual Redfish Tournament
When: Saturday, October 2, 2010
Time: 8am-1pm Fishing - AND - 1pm-5pm Celebration and Awards
Where: Hula Bay/Duke's Bar and Grill (formerly Rattlefish)
5210 W. Tyson Blvd
Tampa, FL 33611
Cost: $100 per Angler
$25 if u want to come and celebrate and eat only

Deadline: Sept. 1st 2010

Each chartered fishing boat will have their own captain! If you have a business or a company that would like to sponsor, please let me know. There are sponsorship levels that include up to 2 Anglers and promotions of your company of business!

Feel free to email me at aerickson0880@gmail.com with any questions/tickets/sign-ups!


One Man and His Dog...

I made a video today. Knowlton would be proud.

Could Be A Crackhead!

The ghetto rape reminds me of the old ghetto leprechaun videos. It is an oldie but a goodie.

My Post is Better Bito..

Check out the original story first...

Then check out the parody song......homeboy..

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Chuckers, get one of these ASAP!!

World Record Scmhecord.

DPT has a Youtube legend, just sitting around, waiting to be called into action.

I propose Tony and Souder climb on Bull's back. Natalie/Ernie are the launchee. I say they fly 200ft in the air.

Another dumb one. And he is showing off.

"We lookin fer you..."

Enough with Rays games, potentially reused beer cups, and Teneille.

Lets get back to making fun of dumb people who live in Alabama.
**Disclaimer** Rape isn't funny, but this guy is.

Orginal story out of Alabama.

Bayshore Fall 2010 Schedule

The official (and final) schedule for the Fall 2010 season is posted.  Located on the right side of this blog and on the WAKA website.  Analysis will follow closer to the season start date.  Enjoy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mmmm, Trash Beer

Hey buddy, enjoying that beer you just bought at the Trop concessions stands? Well, so did the last guy to drink out of that plastic cup.

Cork Gaines of Rays Index spoke with a concession stands worker at Tropicana Field, and she told a tale of workers saving cups from the trash, rinsing them off, then using them for later customers. Which seems unnecessary, because even if every man, woman and child wanted a beer, you'd think they'd have more than 18,000 cups in the place. [Deadspin]

It seems that in an effort to make your rat feces tainted food go down smoother the fine concession workers at Tropicana Field are providing you with trash beer. Too be fair, they do wash the cups, which is probably more than you can say for the lines running from the kegs, but looking at your average Rays crowd, ew. The 24oz cans sold by the roaming vendors are already a better deal ($9) and now it appears that they are a hell of a lot healthier too.

Your Beer At The Trop May Be Served In A Cup Used The Night Before

The NEXT Rays No-Hitter

Here's our next Rays related outing.  Thanks to Brian L. for finding this.  And thanks to everyone who came out and stayed through extra innings to watch the game last night. It poured rain on us, the Trop lost power, and the Rays lost the game.  Yet we STILL had a good time, and got to see the first glimpse of Angry BEARDFACE this season.  As he would say... "Rays Haw!"

Anyway, comment if you want to go to this.  Maria... you have to attend.

Tuesday, Aug. 10 - Rays Watch Party at Muvico Theaters Centro Ybor 20 
Come out to Muvico Theaters on Tuesday, Aug. 10 to watch the Rays battle the Detroit Tigers on the big screen. The pre- and postgame radio show, hosted by Rich Herrera, will be broadcasting live beginning at 6:30 p.m., with first pitch at 7:05 p.m. Rich will be giving away prizes, including tickets to future Rays games and Muvico movie passes! A recommended $5 donation to the Rays Baseball Foundation gets you in for all of the action and a free medium popcorn and soda. Come and enjoy the Rays on the big screen, located at 1600 E. Eight Ave., Tampa.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Paige On The Ground!

I was surfing the old www today and what would you know I stumbled across this little gem on the TruTV website. It is the default video right now for their "Over The Limit" videos. So in honor of the new kickball season being just around the corner, I present to you "Paige on the Ground" in it's entirety.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rays Game - Wednesday Aug 4th

 **Sold Out.  You can buy tickets at the game for $12.  Enjoy.**

Hello DPT readers. Here is your next opportunity to join the Rays-Haw movement.  If you missed our last trip, you didn't get to see Garza throw the Rays' first no-hitter EVER!  It was quite exciting, and everyone had a blast booing Maria the entire game (Tigers suck!).

Anyway, our resident Rays season-ticket holder (Jack) is getting a block of tickets for the Twins game on Wednesday, August 4th.  Tickets are $10, and we'll probably sit down in the lower level again.  Seats are somewhat limited, so comment now if you're going to join us.  See you then.

Roster:  Jack, Beardface, Souder, Chandler, Alison, Nate Dawg, Smithkey, Beer Jew, Karen, Teneille, Cathy, Cathy's man, Dawn, Marvin, Brian L., Nate K., Caruso, Richard aka: "Pocket", Jason, Ashley G., Justin, Alicia, YellowBird, April (tall), Patrick