By now you've seen the video of her frolicking through South Tampa, hugging cops and exuding her charm in a very humorous and inebriated way. The video, to say the least, is fucking hysterical. What's confusing is the 3 people who have told me in the past few days that our WAKA representatives are blaming this video for the over-sensitivity (and cooler rule changes) of alcohol at the PAL fields.
Huh? How are those two things related? Paige got drunk on shots at MacDinton's... not the PAL fields. Do people honestly think that excuse is valid?
Well... here's a direct quote from a WAKA email on 7/20/10: "It was all due to that Chelsey Handler video issue.. Because the chick was wearing her WAKA shirt....... They are cracking down on the no alcohol on the field."
Ahh... so WAKA doesn't like that their shirt was worn by some drunk girl on national TV. Obviously the league doesn't want to be associated with such debauchery. But then why does their website offer shirts that say:
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Hypocrisy. Currently on sale for $11.99. |
In fact, they sell lots of merchandise with sexual innuendos and drinking/flip-cup references.
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Shiiiiiiit. Only when I'm Paiged. |
Blaming the video is nothing more than a convenient, self-serving excuse to implement policy changes. WAKA sells us their t-shirts, plasters a sponsor bar all over the back and suggests that we partake in drink specials and flip-cup. Then they get their panties in a wad because someone is caught on camera drunk wearing their merchandise? I thought that was the point. You know... she slammed shots, probably flipped a cup or two, and then fell down in someone's yard near her house.
Paige has been in our league forever. She's one of the best female players and always "brings the wicked shit" to any party. As her friend and teammate, I'm outraged that she's been made the scapegoat for something totally beyond her control. And as a league of drunks, we should come together and stick up for one of our own.
(images taken from - store)
I agree. Not to mention she wasn't driving and she didn't get into any trouble. So if nothing else WAKA should commend Paige for her example. Plenty of idiots in the league do far more offensive things without imbibing alcohol.
One thing I DO agree with waka on though... if the women in the league plan to get drunk they should take off their shirts, whether it's a kickball shirt or not!
I will not make it to the meeting tomorrow but I hope the captains really lay into this MLoop guy...the whole new drinking policy is complete bullshit.
Well... as of this second... we still don't know what the drinking policy is.
I've heard things ranging from "no coolers" to "coolers but hide your beers."
Either way... they need to just make a clear ruling and stop blaming it on other things. It's crazy to backpedal from their own policies and wrongfully point fingers at PAL or their own paying customers.
Let's not forget, WAKA has made it a point to buy the team with the most people at the meet and greet by 9 p.m. a round of shots. Do the shots have to come from a Bubba Keg? Or, is drinking something that is poured out of an alcohol container into a plain, plastic cup permissible?
WAKA's in a nice little slap-fight with hypocrisy. Captains are reminded to be persistent in getting their teams out to the sponsor bar; but, when a team member overdoes it a little bit but still manages to be responsible and walk home do they admonish the bar for serving her too much? No, they use it as a flimsy excuse to crack down on drinking at a completely different location. A location, mind you, that had little, or nothing, to do with Paige ending up on TV.
Ban alcohol at the fields, allow discrete and responsible drinking at the fields, but don't insult our intelligence by enforcing hypocritical, arbitrary guidelines for no other reason than to protect WAKA's image.
I feel a conference call at WAKA HQ coming on!
Let's take a Party Bus to Waka HQ and protest outside.
They should push the meet and great back to 9. I have a feeling the captains meeting will take awhile especially one mmm-bop tells us the drinking policy
Warning! Long comment ahead, almost rivals a RRR recap. Sorry dudes and dudettes.
The outcome of the alcohol/cooler policy will be interesting, for sure. Hopefully MLoop is ready to discuss our concerns and not just dictate. We are WAKA’s paying customers and part of his job is to “provide the players with a great WAKA kickball experience” (quote courtesy of WAKA’s website).
If WAKA is so concerned about what Paige’s television appearance is doing for their image, maybe they can explain how they feel about these gems that were easily found with a quick internet search (Chan, you’ll be happy to know that a number of DPT’s image’s came up also):
Keg-stand in WAKA shirts on NBC Sports
From WAKA’s own Facebook page, a guy from the Mile High Division in Denver, CO passed out on a bench
WAKA says he’s “taking a nap.” Sure…then Paige was just “distracted” on her infamous walk home.
And finally…faux oral, profanity, and more keg-stands on a WAKA endorsed website
I'd additionally like to see MLoop address the number of games continually shrinking. WAKA's website states in the FAQ section that one of the things your registration fee includes is "One full season of WAKA Kickball games, including climactic Division Tournament. Typically around 10 weeks of fun in all!" There used to be 10 regular season games as recently as Season 10 and then the tournament; next it was 9 with one “fun” game and the tournament in Season 11; last season (12) there were 8 with one “fun” week and the tournament; now we’re down to 8 regular season games, no Bye or “fun” weeks, and the tournament. I realize that they are not required, according to their statement about what your registration fee includes and the disclaimer on the website, to provide 10 games but I’d like to hear why the number has continued to go down. I’ve found other leagues that currently STILL have 10 game seasons.
In conclusion, WAKA seems to want to endorse drinking as a way to market their brand only when it is convenient for them. Paige is certainly not the only person who has been featured in a very public forum drinking or drunk in her WAKA shirt. It almost appears that Bayshore is being picked on and other divisions are clearly treated differently.
Does this mean that I can't get blasted and streak at this years tournament??
Can it be denounced the "Paige Rule" from here on out? or the "Paige Drinking Policy" ?
Can someone please video the captains meeting and post????
Out of Control Streaker,
Streaking is probably still acceptable since you won't be in your WAKA shirt.
Personally I think WAKA is just pissed that they didn't get a cut from my profits of the video!!:) Now do I think that I look like a fool in my video-of course but if you can't laugh at yourself sometimes then you need to remove the stick from your ass! Point is I did not get in trouble, it is hysterical and gives people a good laugh and if I can put a smile on someones face then my job is done. :) Thank you guys for your support and I will see you tonight at the meeting!
All valid points. I hope you guys bring visual aids to the meeting to more clearly make a point. :) I'll be there.
This is what happens when I leave the state... I'll be there tonight.. I'll have my amazing wacky shirt on, ready to throw down.. By wacky shirt, I mean whatever I can find in my closet.
Going to Happy Hour before, so sassy Trini will be in effect for da meeeeting... :)
Nice use of english and grammar in your post Chris... Do you have an App for that???? hehehehe
Streaking... is NEVER a good idea OR accepted. Unless it's done by women of course.
Geoff!!! no peanut gallery comments unless you come out of retirement.. :) *muah* miss you and April already...
Ok, drunk Tobago, did you get the email that the captains meeting was moved to Dubliner North? That's where YOU should go for the meeting. And I'm sorry you think I need an app for English and grammar. Those of us educated in industrialized nations usually have those skills without electronic assistance. If such an app does exist, maybe you should look into downloading "da" app and using it, often.
bite me Chris
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