Monday, August 30, 2010


So last Thursday ABC Action News (whatever that is) did a nice little story on us. The video is pretty good, and you will see a bunch of familiar faces. I hope the "powers that be" don't see this! I would hate to get a PF in kickball! At this rate the Ligers will never get to .500

Kickball: It's not just for kids any more!


Geoff said...

I think this video may or may not have evidence of an Off Constantly munt.

Rollo said...

A terrible one at about 38 seconds in? I was just coming to post that lol.

Nate Dawg said...

They just had to get a jab in there on the Bucs at the end haha.

SarahB said...

Damnit and i wasn't there! Great video though!

Rob said...

Can we move our tournament to Raymond James Stadium and charge fans $1 to come see it? We'll really show them we can pack more fans then the Bucs

Maria said...

Totally agree Rob! We prob could fill that place!! That'd be fun, get on that! :)

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

So just watched the video, and pretty sweet!