Monday, August 30, 2010

Field Set-Up Committee

Hey kids.  As captains and DPT faithful have now heard... there are two 7pm teams each week that are required to arrive early for field set-up.  This rule is apparently consistent with what other leagues do in WAKA.  However, we all know how much we hate being like other leagues.

In the past, we had a Field Sheriff who was responsible for field set-up. We'd always just chant: NATE NATE NATE!! at the Captains Meeting until Nate L. agreed to do the job (usually by saying: "fuck you guys").

While we don't have elected officials anymore (I think this is a good thing, unless you miss the crying), this now leaves a void for field set-up help.

Does ANYONE out there want to volunteer to join a set-up committee? Kyle did the job last year I think, and Tony has done it before.  If counting 20-paces is your thing, it would probably go a long way to keep consistency in the fields.  I shudder at the thought of some of the teams being in charge of this task...


Nate Dawg said...

I'd be willing to help but I'm not doing the shit by myself...

Chandler said...


I'll help you the days I can get there early. Anyone else?

bull said...

Since the DPT is asking, I'll help.

Nate Dawg said...

LOL knew that was coming...I dont mind setting up I just hate picking all the shit up...

Smithkey said...

I will do it on the days I am able to make it there early. Don't really mind picking up the shit though.

random BnD guy said...

no one from BnD volunteers

Chandler said...

Yeah... we kinda figured that since most BnD players went to FSU. Apparently to set up the field you have to be able to "count paces" or some shit.

Alison said...