What's up retards? Hopefully the dumbasses at DPT won't censor my post. I'll try to make this quick because your mom is already whimpering at me to take her for a walk.
First off... where is the damn video of the captains meeting? We were promised footage, and you all are more concerned with Vegas odds and picking games. Put me down for everyone tying 0-0 because you all suck. But back on topic... I couldn't make the meeting so I only know what Maria told me during our pillow-talk session. Apparently we can't bring coolers to the field, and must leave them in the parking lot. Some WAKA frat boy was asked if his Orlando league had the same rules... to which he responded something like
"yes, and you guys have it easier because our parking lot is further away."
Oh really? Well let's just take a little look-see at the FL Central Division... where teams battle it out in the
"Kegger Cup" (not making this shit up). You'll find a link to
these pictures, which document league activity throughout the years. Surely if we glance at their recent summer season (May - July) we won't see any violations. Kegger is the league rep, after all.
Odd... the parking lot is shaped like a softball field. |
It's not a cooler... it's a seat. |
Kegger is too focused on watching this munt to notice the coolers. |
Bayshore Division's own: Josh H... now living in cooler country (aka: Orlando). |
"Right after I score this run, I'll take the long walk to my beer." |
That pitch looks a bit bouncy. HOLY SHIT THERE ARE COOLERS! |
Tag her in the pooper! |
Thumbs up for non-concealed alcohol. |
Penis. |
Natty Light and clear cups. This is what kickball is all about. |
There are a ton of other examples you can find yourself. Be sure to look back as their fall season progresses (beginning September 30th). Enjoy your soon-to-be-rained-out kickball day tomorrow.
Why is Bito wearing that pink shirt and silly glasses?
Way to go Silky and Maria. Also it looks like there was so many coolers in those pics that you missed one in the bottom of the "tag her in the pooper picture." WAKA is doing great recruiting for KB Society which by the way owns their fields and encourages coolers, kegs, BJ's, etc. on their fields.
Cracking up!!! Great post...once again WAKA sucks...
I wonder if there are any rules against really large bags at the fields... I know a few tricks I picked up along the Roraima Tepui Trek back in 2001. Come see The OC's sidelines sometime this season.
The bottom line is that WAKA is zoning in on our league because the Bayshore league's awesomeness went worldwide when one of our awesome members took one of WAKA's own shirt designs to heart. They are going to be on the lookout for anyone that breaks a rule.
Also, I did some research and there are quite a few ways at getting around the new rule of no coolers at the fields, without breaking the "No visible Alcohol" rule.
For the Fella's...
For the Ladies...
Or you can go with what I always go with... it holds 4 beers and can go with you wherever you go, AND leaves two hands free to do lots of Activities!!!
Has anyone asked what happens if a game occurs where Balls and Strikes aren't called?
Is it this????
Either way I am going to be home ump for every game I ref and I will be mimicing this.
See you all tomorrow!!!!
Silky... in the "Penis" picture, you failed to notice the two people on the right side holding Natty Light (or Coors Light) cans... which aren't even in koozies. And if your observation is keen, you'll see that the chick plays on Kegger's team.
Just sayin'
first of all, i will confess to being one of the knuckleheads and wild cards in the league. however in a work environment or official capacity, im all business. i recently did a radio show as a PR rep and not as a guest which i had been previously and the hosts absolutely identified the difference and spoke on that to my credit. soooo who ever green-lite sending "kegger" around as a business attaché i can only hope did so out of nepotism because wow! i mean wow! mloop was at least composed. this kegger fella was a giggling idiot. ive been lucky to have been the face of a few companies like now but i cant believe they send that guy around trying sell. and really to sell a bill of goods that conflicts with execution of that bill of goods. point being, this group wasnt thrilled about this meeting with all the over and undertones and mloop you tried but you skirtted around a few questions and kegger, well you probably sold someone bad weed.
so it was just face time, right? damage control? the fact of the matter is these guys arent not going to show up at our fields and enforce these rules when there are sooooo many clear contradictions. if they did, the whole league could forfeit a night and what have they accomplished, nothing. other than chandler going to orlando to retrieve video evidence of that leagues indiscretions and why we are being singled out.
what ever the genius of them being here, it doesnt matter. we have always governed ourselves at the field and will continue to do so. because as they said, all the teams have to do at game time is agree to the terms of the game.
bottom line is wakas reps are in an unmanageable situation to tell people, "do as i say, not as i do" when most have been around long enough to realize the difference. and if you really were serious about all these rules you have started taking down your promo of alcohol on the website, social media, etc before you sent 1.25 reps to insult our intelligence.
Additionally note some players wearing things other than their WAKA jerseys. None of those pictures appear to be from a theme game either...just regular ol' non-rule enforcing in Orlando.
Naming the division tournament after yourself, classy. Nearly as cool as giving yourself a nickname. And, since we're not supposed to have team names that directly reference alcohol, why is it acceptable to name your tournament with a direct reference? Mmmm, hypocrisy, tastes a little like vinegar.
Hahah How did I get thrown in this mix?? Hilarious.
I agree with everything you guys are saying but don't throw my new league under the bus!!! I still want to have fun! By the way, before each of the seasons I've played in Orlando they've said all the same things. It lasts a week. They probably have to say those things. Last season some big rep was at our fields and didn't say anything until a girl from my team got a compound fracture while he was there. All of a sudden, no coolers. Two weeks later the whole league had nothing but beer games(the picture of flip cup at second base was from my game).
Also, my team assigns 2 people a week to be on cooler duty. They make a huge batch of whatever creation they want and everyone drinks from that for the week. They didn't have a problem with that. Bottom line: keep cool, don't raise too much of a stink, and it should go back to the way it was. Or you could always come play in Orlando!
Josh H. formerly WAKAshame
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