My brain is not working today. Kickball is back. Let's bring back the Friday Time waste.
Topics to discuss:
Soul Glo loses.
BnD loses.
There were coolers, COOLERS@!!!!@@!#%@, on the fields last night.
Chandler is awesome at flip cup and Munting.
The Balls and Strikes rule stinks.
I am hungover.
That Boob Apron video is ancient.
I suck at picks...successful in buying drinks though! With the exception of Alison who wasnt at the bar and doesnt count...
Well Nate, it's her loss. I would gladly let you buy me a drink and put rufies in it.
what is wrong with her?
Nate... I haven't given her your message yet. And there's no better place than on a public forum:
"Hey Chan! You tell Alison she ain't getting shit!" -Nate
Did I lose at picks?
Hahaha oh yea I did say that...thanks for relaying that message Chan! Jack yes you lost, you owe me a bottle of Jack Daniels...
Picks results are now up below the shoutbox or something.
Nate... if it werent for $ beer night you would have been better off buying a bottle of jack last night...
your all shitty...
great game against the Ligers last night.. :) I missed playing with everyone.. As for you Grifter.. you haven't earned the right to call me Tobago, coming from a man who disappears during the entire off season. :p and wears a Panda costume...
BCBC pulled it out from somewhere to beat Tjs.. You would have thought they just won the World Cup.. hahaha.. BnD grp did not have any happy campers at McDintons last night and per usual hung out by themselves.. Only Todd (who wants some Trini love) and another BnD guy I always talk smack to, put on a brave face and waded in with the more common peasants.. All in all.. a great night of fun with friends... :)
Trini- who said I was talking about you?
There were a lot of BnD peeps out at the bar... would it kill you to walk up to them?
way to hungover.
Tobago... "you're," not "your".
Oh Chan the "your" police is in full force once again.
BTW where was Alison anyways?
no one cares Chan Chan.. and I did that just to see if you would respond.. It's okay luv.. You will be okay...
Sadly Nate's liver will not be ok.
Spotty at best.
WYR: eat 50 chicken wings in 30 minutes
eat a spoonful of chipotle mayonaise?
Alison claims she went to Texas on a business trip... however... she just didn't want the embarrassment of me throwing her out at first.
Grifter... give me the chipotle mayonaise.
Tobago... no, it won't be OK.
Chan - you def would have thrown her out at first lol.
Grifter - I'll go with the wings depending on where they are from...
Trini - I agree with Chan...its not going to be ok...
Chan, do you hate wings?
Nate, the wings are from The Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York, where they were invented and perfected. your choice of sauce.
Trini, if I can't call you Tobago, I shall call you Haiti.
Jack, we won!
Since Jaime sucks at getting the scores up from last night... what all went down?
What were the scores?
Grifter - Definitely going with the wings then...
TBN lost 6-1 but I taught the Shockers a valuable lesson on KB rules and the "first touch" rule on a fly ball. Otherwise they might have shut us out. Shockers are pretty good, I see them probably being one of the top 2 teams this season.
BCBC looked really good in a win against the TJ'ers. Quote of the night from Ruben "Nate, I'm not gonna lie to you I'm pretty drunk right now" To which I replied, "Thats what happens when you drink on the fields, you lose" Beer Nuts policy haha.
Are you referring to when a player may advance on a fly ball?
That is correct, line drive by James hit the 1st baseman on the shoulder, as soon as that happened I tagged 2nd and went to 3rd, 1st baseman proceded to make the catch (amazing catch by the way) and as I was on 3rd everyone on the shockers was yelling at him to throw the ball to 2nd to get me out for leaving early which he did and I trotted home knowing I had tagged up correctly.
You tricky SOB.
Grifter, of course we won.
How did PMU look? We weren't as solid as I'd hoped, perhaps in part because BEARDFACE was playing while half-dead. Fortunately Team Fab didn't put up much of a fight.
And Nate, this isn't Nam, there are rules. The question is, how does a team that's been around as long as the Shockers not know them?
Jack - Bad coaching on the Shockers' part.
Grifter - I love wings. But you've seen me. Not sure it's physically possible for me to put 50 in me in 30 minutes.
Nate - I can picture you actually "trotting" home with a shit-eating Keggers grin, knowing that when all the Shockers' whining was finished, your run would still count.
@Grifter - If you call me Haiti I will drop kick you when I see u
@Chan Chan and Nate - again, no one cares...
Alison was auditioning for Debbie does Dallas... sorry to burst your bubble Chandler... or maybe you like that...
Gonna go with the wings on this one.. mayo is gross.. I can do that in 30mins.. I'm that good.. :)
You should see what else Haiti can handle 50 of in 30 minutes...
It was a bell of a catch. Bad coaching haha. I didn't know on a catch like that you could advance. Seems to me if you catch it you have to tag up but not when deflected off your shoulder and you track down the ball for a catch.
All fields should have video camera for some highlights.
My whole team will have a mandatory rule reading book club night next week.
Now that's leadership, Rob. Good work.
Any other results? Help the Dub out, here people. I'll start, the OC beat team Fab 5-0.
The 'Ballics beat the Ligers 4-2... although the schedule currently says the Ligers won 5-2. Go us.
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